PayButton / paybutton-server

Manage eCash payments received through your online business.
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Add unit on CSV headers #855

Closed chedieck closed 2 weeks ago

chedieck commented 2 weeks ago

PS: I still think we should at least put the units in the headings, like: amount (USD) and value (XEC) (or value (BCH))

a lot more clarity in exchange for a few characters —the implicit difference that exists here between the words "amount" and "value" is something that we essentially bred inside our own codebase.

And even when used/interpreted by "codebase people", as shown by earlier my misunderstanding, it still can lead to confusion.

Originally posted by @chedieck in

chedieck commented 2 weeks ago

the value header can't have the coin since paybuttons can have more than one type of address, and thus the export can include BCH and XEC txs.

But I think having the (USD) on the value should be enough, since we already have the address that received the tx saying if the value would be XEC or BCH.