PayEx / PayEx.Magento

Legacy PayEx Payment Gateway Extension for Magento 1
Open Software License 3.0
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Get Address: Country & Zip-fields #33

Closed AndreKlang closed 8 years ago

AndreKlang commented 8 years ago

It is not clear that the fields "Country" & "Postal code" is related to the get address feature.

Scenario: I am a new customer, that intends on using Credit Card as payment.

What I see when going to checkout: skarmbild fran 2016-04-13 15 00 33

My thoughts as a customer:

In a previous pull-request I had open, (before the module-merge), There was a feature that hid the country and zip-fields, UNTIL the customer started to fill out the ssn. And the red * on SSN was removed. That signals that fetching the address is optional, but if you want to fetch the address, you have to fill in postcode and country.

Another improvement:

There should be a few different things to evaluate if the country-box really HAVE to be shown. Examples can be:

  1. Does this store have more than one country enabled?
  2. Can the ssn hint to which country it is? Norway and Sweden have different formats for instance.
  3. Fallback: show the country field.
aait commented 8 years ago

@AndreKlang If u can refer me to that pull-request we can easily include that feature.

AndreKlang commented 8 years ago

@aait: Sorry, it actually wasn't part of the pull-request. It was in the other branch I had, commited with a bunch of other old fixes.

Any way, doesn't really matter since it isn't compatible now anyway. But you get the idea, hide what ever is not necessary until the user actually needs to fill it out.