PayEx / PayEx.Magento

Legacy PayEx Payment Gateway Extension for Magento 1
Open Software License 3.0
4 stars 12 forks source link

Incorrect module version #43

Closed p-makowski closed 8 years ago

p-makowski commented 8 years ago

Please increase module version accordingly to Semantic Versioning ( Otherwise composer projects defining dependency on "payex/payex" and using only "stable" tagged modules are not aware of changes done during few last days.

siment commented 8 years ago

This is a great suggestion

aait commented 8 years ago


asbjornu commented 8 years ago

@p-makowski Did 2875d5476bb1c808df06903f5d0bb749bd9105c4 solve the problem? If not, can you please be more specific in what you mean?

p-makowski commented 8 years ago

@asbjornu Yes, that is perfect, thanks!

BTW: "version" node in _PayEx_Payments/app/etc/modules/PayExPayments.xml is not required as there is already one in _PayExPayments/app/code/community/PayEx/Payments/etc/config.xml, You can remove it from _PayEx_Payments/app/etc/modules/PayExPayments.xml next time you do changes to this repository to avoid additional maintenance point.

asbjornu commented 8 years ago

@p-makowski: Excellent!

@aait ☝️ Comments?