PayU / openapi-validator-middleware

Input validation using Swagger (Open API) and ajv
Apache License 2.0
144 stars 50 forks source link

Support adding null type for non-required parameters #22

Closed kibertoad closed 6 years ago

kibertoad commented 6 years ago

refs #21

coveralls commented 6 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-0.7%) to 99.329% when pulling 9d283be3914a87942204a8a38dfba517cc9ade24 on kibertoad:master into c1a86ffe8794e1f0e0fc4fc57aa70722620848b6 on idanto:master.

kibertoad commented 6 years ago

@idanto Note about decreased code coverage - lines that are not covered are very much protections against incomplete data in Swagger. I can create some very artificial tests for the coverage sake, but that would take much more effort than it would provide value.

igor-savin-ht commented 6 years ago

@idanto ping?..