I am unfortunately having issues using the pypi version of the package.
The pypi page currently says to run "from sergio import sergio". But this module is not found. It turns out the name is SERGIO. So then I run "from SERGIO import sergio" and that works fine. But then when I try to run the example line
I am unfortunately having issues using the pypi version of the package.
The pypi page currently says to run "from sergio import sergio". But this module is not found. It turns out the name is SERGIO. So then I run "from SERGIO import sergio" and that works fine. But then when I try to run the example line
sim = sergio(number_genes=100, number_bins = 9, number_sc = 300, noise_params = 1, decays=0.8, sampling_state=15, noise_type='dpd')
I get an error:
It does not seem to have the other arguments either. Any help with this is much appreciated.