PaycoinFoundation / website
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Convert PDFs to webpages #7

Open MitchellCash opened 8 years ago

MitchellCash commented 8 years ago

To provide better functionality to the website we should start moving all the different PDF documents onto their own webpages as it's not a great user experience to take the user off the site and onto a PDF for information.

There are four that can be found at:

PaycoinMaster commented 8 years ago

I Agree.

boxhock commented 8 years ago

Should we follow the same template as the main page? If so, will we start moving this over to PHP or use something else to include the header and footer? Or should we create the header and footer individually for each page?

MitchellCash commented 8 years ago

@BoXHocK that's the issue I landed on.

I started creating the header and footer individually for each page being lazy and was just doing a half assed job of it so I posted an issue instead haha.

I'm happy with whichever works best/whichever anyone opens up a pull request for ;)