PayloadSecurity / VxAPI

A generic interface and CLI for all endpoints of the Falcon Sandbox API
GNU General Public License v3.0
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get_public_result -env argument listed as optional but required #17

Closed falcorocks closed 7 years ago

falcorocks commented 7 years ago
root@94323137e7c8:/VxAPI# python3 get_public_result -h
usage: get_public_result [--verbose] [--help]
                                  [--environmentId ENVIRONMENTID]
                                  [--type {bin,pcap,stix,misp,misp-json,openioc}]
                                  [--cli_output CLI_OUTPUT]

positional arguments:
  sha256                Sample sha256 hash

optional arguments:
  --verbose, -v         Run command in verbose mode
  --help, -h            Show this help message and exit.
                        Sample Environment ID (use 'get_environments' action
                        to fetch all available)
  --type {bin,pcap,stix,misp,misp-json,openioc}, -t {bin,pcap,stix,misp,misp-json,openioc}
                        File type to return
  --cli_output CLI_OUTPUT, -o CLI_OUTPUT
                        Output path

But without the argument -env the command will fail

kkochanski commented 7 years ago

Hello @falcorocks .

Thank you for your effort and trying making project better.

First of all, I would like to inform that it was done on purpose. It's just done to support some old reports, which doesn't have that variable.

For this moment we will leave it as it is.