PayneWheat / jobhunt

Job application tracker built in Laravel and React
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Breeze user system and Inertiajs integration #16

Closed PayneWheat closed 2 years ago

PayneWheat commented 2 years ago


Integrated Laravel Breeze user system. There is a React package for Breeze that uses InertiaJS, so I've integrated it into the project. Now users can create an account, log in, see applications and interviews they have created,



Some of these concerns are directly from the Breeze/InertiaJS integration. Others are just from a general audit from looking at this code for the first time in over two years. I will treat this list as a guide for creating issues in this repo.

  1. The routes in routes/web.php can be drastically improved. I was following a simple guide from InertiaJS, but it appears that we can simply use a middleware group for all of the routes that use the auth and verified middleware. I will need to consider whether some of the routes should have a PHP controller implemented.
  2. I'm currently validating requests in the controller. I should abstract that logic into a custom request class.
  3. I need to audit any classnames, and import the class and use ClassName::class rather than "App\Namespace\To\Class".
  4. Investigate jsconfig.js-- is it being used?
  5. A ton of dependency updates included in this PR. Need to audit for dependencies still lurking in the project that have vulnerabilities.
  6. Tailwinds is a dependency of the Breeze React package. Investigate using it instead of bootstrap react.
  7. NewApplication::handleSubmit probably needs to be refactored. Maybe a separate method for updating applications.
    • Also, should probably rename NewApplication
  8. README was lost at some point. Document installation instructions.

TODOs introduced: