Payum / PayumServer

Payment processing microservice. Written in Symfony4
MIT License
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Api documentation #46

Closed frechina closed 7 years ago

frechina commented 7 years ago


I've been wondering if there is some documentation about how to use the PayumServer API. I've been playing with the code and after solving some issues I'm stuck adding gateways. Any help? I wanted to add stripe and paypal.

Thank you

makasim commented 7 years ago

There is a js client for the server (which uses it api).

You can start with it and see what requests it sends and what format.

The client is easy to do (especially if you gonna use docker image payum/server-ui. Once up and running go to settings and configure the server url to work with. You can configure gateways there, purchase stuff, see payment details and so on.

Once you have gateways configured you can open this small demo page.

It shows how the payment server could be integrated to your shop or app.

Pay attention it is a proof of concept, there might be bugs (tell me if you find some) or missing features.

makasim commented 7 years ago

that's how I run it locally

# docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
    image: payum/payum-server
    container_name: payum-server
    restart: always
      - PAYUM_MONGO_URI=mongodb://mongo:27017/payum_server
      - PAYUM_DEBUG=1
      - VIRTUAL_HOST=payum-server.local
      - mongo
      - .:/payum

    image: payum/server-ui
    container_name: payum-server-ui
    restart: always
      - VIRTUAL_HOST=payum-server-ui.local
      - ./PayumServerUI:/payum

    image: mongo
    restart: always
      - ./data:/data/db

    image: jwilder/nginx-proxy
    restart: always
    container_name: nginx-proxy
      - "80:80"
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro
frechina commented 7 years ago

I tried to get the UI work without success. Also I don't understand that Authorize and Capture mean. The demo.html doesn't work either :\

frechina commented 7 years ago

Moreover, this urls don't work

Demo: Backend: Server:

makasim commented 7 years ago

Moreover, this urls don't work

I am in the process of migration them to another server. It will be available soon.

makasim commented 7 years ago

I tried to get the UI work without success

Are there any errors? Did you use docker or setup it locally?

Also I don't understand that Authorize and Capture mean.

It is not something invented by Payum but common terminology. Authorize means that the payment is authorized but any money is transferred anywhere. They could be kind of freezed on your account till you receive the goods. Capture means immediate money transfer from one account to another.

makasim commented 7 years ago

The demo.html doesn't work either :\

Did you see the page? Are there any errors? Maybe javascript errors in console log or os?

frechina commented 7 years ago

I am in the process of migration them to another server. It will be available soon.

great! Thank you

Are there any errors? Did you use docker or setup it locally?

I tried the docker and it needed some library installations, so the it wasn't fully configured. There was js errors. For example, after configure the API url, it wasn't passed as a param and payments sections didn't work. After I realised this, I could put manually the param in the url and it worked. However, I couldn't complete a payment. I configured a paypal gateway and I got errors,

Are there any errors? Maybe javascript errors in console log or os?

There was js errors. I finally could edit it and make it work

makasim commented 7 years ago

@frechina could you post screenshots here or send me them to

makasim commented 7 years ago

try it must work