Pe8er / Sidebar.Widget

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Issues with the positioning of the widget? #10

Closed xxJuiceboxx1 closed 7 years ago

xxJuiceboxx1 commented 8 years ago

The widget seems to be conflicting with clock widget. Is there a way to reposition the widget?


Pe8er commented 8 years ago

Yes, you can. You need to open Sidebar.widget/ and mess around with values at the top. There is a URL to a great flexbox reference page at the top of the document too.

PixelPirate commented 8 years ago

Hmm.. I'm having issues as well, using Sidebar.Widget works fine, but as soon as I add any other Widget everything gets screwed up.

I'm no web-dev by any means, so this is giving me a really hard time to debug. Can anyone explain why Sidebar.Widget screws with other widgets positioning and can anyone give a pointer as to how to resolve this?

Pe8er commented 8 years ago

The reason is that Sidebar.Widget applies positioning rules to all widgets, even the ones outside of Sidebar package. If you want to position your widget independently, you need to use position absolute. Take a look at my Playbox widget for reference, line 90:

Pe8er commented 7 years ago

@PixelPirate is there anything else I can help you with here?