PeWu / topola-viewer

Topola Genealogy Viewer – interactive genealogy visualization
Apache License 2.0
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Rendering the complete family tree #84

Open johnjohndoe opened 2 years ago

johnjohndoe commented 2 years ago

I am looking for a way to render the complete family tree of my project. It contains about 200 people. At the moment the ancestors of one person are rendered - depending on which person has been selected. Is there a ways to unhide both branches e.g. the ancestor branch of the mother and the ancestor branch of the father?

I would also be comfortable to modify the source code temporarily if you could point me to the relevant code part.

PeWu commented 2 years ago

I don't think I understand the problem.

When you select a person, both their ancestors and the ancestor of their spouse are shown. See this link for example: Selecting either William Shakespeare or Anne Hathaway shows ancestors of both of them.

You can try selecting "All relatives" from the "View" menu to see more in one chart.

johnjohndoe commented 2 years ago

Selecting "All relatives" shows much more - but not all. I try to explain it based on your example.

Given your example John Shakespeare and Mary Arden would have been married another time each. In these relationships new descendants have been created. When you select either William Shakespeare or Anne Hathaway they won't be shown. You would need to select either John Shakespeare or Mary Arden which hides other parts of the tree.

PeWu commented 2 years ago

Please have a look at It might be the same problem that you are seeing. It is something that can definitely be improved.

If you'd like to have a go at changing the code then this is the file that needs to be modified: If you need help understanding what is happening there, I can help.

johnjohndoe commented 2 years ago

I should be able to create an example GEDCOM file to show the case. Would that be helpful? I am not sure if I will be able to understand the implementation in a reasonable time.

desmo907 commented 1 year ago

I am a newbie. Installed this add-on and note that it only renders part of my family tree. It only starts with the great grandparents on my father's side. The mother's side (great grandparents) are missing. I do see this it shows my grand father on the right side of the chart. I think he was the first data entry I made with an ID of 1000. So i wonder if this feature keys off of him and thus only starts with his father and not show the parents of his wife (my grandmothers)? I don't see a way to indicate where to start the tree... the feature just runs it. Thanks.

czifumasa commented 1 year ago

@desmo907 I am not sure if I understand your problem correctly, but you can use a search feature in top menu to select "you" as a main person for tree rendering. Then you should see all your ancestors and descendants.

Tree is always rendered for the first person of the Gedcom file. In Gramps, it's the first person you entered into database with person Id "I0000".

desmo907 commented 1 year ago

Thanks... I think I wrote this in the wrong forum. The feature I meant to comment on was Interactive Family Tree add-on. I did post in the discourse forum.