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fix all book subtitles are in "subtitle" not "description" #8

Closed swamidass closed 2 years ago

swamidass commented 2 years ago


title: The Genealogical Adam and Eve description: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry


title: The Genealogical Adam and Eve subtitle: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry

madroxdupe42 commented 2 years ago

Changing the book Markdown to use subtitle rather than description is a simple sed one-liner. However, after a quick grep through the codebase to see what template(s) would need to be updated to refer to the new property, it seems like description is a generic feature of most/all content that is depended on to build headers and such. Do you still want to go ahead with this change?

swamidass commented 2 years ago

That's a good point. I think for now, the best is to adopt the convention that "book subtitle is stored in the description field". It is possible we will change this down the line. But this way we can keep the invariant that "all posts have descriptions" without requiring effort to write copy. Down the line that might change, but we don't have to do it now.