Peacer3003 / procurement

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login: OK load stash: crash #513

Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 8 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago

Please log issues on Procurement's github page at
18-06-2015 4:33] 
Error: attempted to get items for the non existant league ''
Current leagues are:

Exception details : 
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: De gegeven sleutel is niet 
aanwezig in het woordenboek.
   bij Procurement.ViewModel.StashViewModel.getAvailableItems()

[18-06-2015 4:33] Application Version: Procurement 1.9.2
[18-06-2015 4:33] 
CurrentCulture: nl-BE
CurrentUICulture: nl-NL
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
Current League: 

[18-06-2015 4:33] System.NullReferenceException: De objectverwijzing is niet op 
een exemplaar van een object ingesteld.
   bij Procurement.ViewModel.InventoryViewModel..ctor(InventoryView inventoryView)
   bij Procurement.ViewModel.ScreenController.<initScreens>b__0()
   bij System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   bij MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

Original issue reported on by on 18 Jun 2015 at 2:36

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
- I dont have alvl 1 character
- I downloaded NET4.5, but dont know what to do with it.
- my account is fully authorized and i believe steam aswell.
- I read allot of issues, but i wasn't able to find the same debuglog.
- Debuglog is in dutch, sorry about that, hopefully you can decifer :)


Original comment by on 18 Jun 2015 at 2:40

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago

Procurement moved to github over a year ago, and I have not been monitoring the 
google code issue tracker. 

Google is shutting down google code in 3 weeks time, as such I am disabling 
this issue tracker as I will not be able to reply after that date.

If you are still having issues please relog your issue on Procurement's github 
page at

Original comment by stickymaddness on 30 Jul 2015 at 3:45