Open ankurdesai opened 5 years ago
@bailsofhay FYI
An update, here is another global product at 30'' (~ 1 km) resolution: Dai, Y., Xin, Q., Wei, N., Zhang, Y., Shangguan, W., Yuan, H., et al ( 2019). A global high‐resolution dataset of soil hydraulic and thermal properties for land surface modeling. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11.
Link to download data:
This issue is stale because it has been open 365 days with no activity.
I wouldn't suggest using POLARIS, please use the official data including SSURGO, gSSURGO, or gNATSGO. Contact me for assistance if you'd like it.
This site: Specifically this product: Linked to this WRR paper:
Is a probabilistic 30m soil property map for the US, that includes texture, field capacity, wiliting point, moisture variables based on a interpolated map of SSURGO, along with uncertainty estimates (median, mode, 5th through 95th percentile)
This could be a really useful feature to extract for ecosystem model initialization and ensemble runs. A R function that takes lat/lon and downloads the GeoTIFF for the proper grid and extracts those at nearst pixel, would be nice.