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Replacing 'testthat' functions #2987 #3067

Closed Its-Maniaco closed 3 months ago

Its-Maniaco commented 1 year ago

This PR replaces the testthat function in mainstream files. Addresses #2987

Its-Maniaco commented 1 year ago

@Aariq @moki1202 @infotroph I tried replacing testthat function with appropriate replacement. Once I get a 👍 from you guys I will proceed with other functions as well.

moki1202 commented 1 year ago

@Its-Maniaco This change looks pretty good to me! The arguments structure for the replaced function looks good too. But let's not count on my statement just yet 😉 . Once you get a green light from the other reviewers please make sure you've added the packageName to the respective description file and pushed the newly generated .Rd (documentation) file.

Aariq commented 1 year ago

This is fine as a drop-in replacement—you've got the pattern right. I don't understand what is going on in this particular instance though. The point of assert_that() (or expect_true()) is to throw an error when a condition isn't met. Wrapping it in try() makes it not throw an error. So in this particular instance, I think something like this would make more sense:

eq_units <- PEcAn.utils::units_are_equivalent(ncvar_unit, var_correct_unit)
if(!eq_units) {
  glue::glue("NetCDF unit '{ncvar_unit}' not equivalent to expected unit '{var_correct_unit}'.")
Aariq commented 1 year ago

Actually, it should probably use PEcAn.logger() to print the message.

eq_units <- PEcAn.utils::units_are_equivalent(ncvar_unit, var_correct_unit)
if(!eq_units) {
    glue::glue("NetCDF unit '{ncvar_unit}' not equivalent to expected unit '{var_correct_unit}'.")

Errors from PEcAn.logger aren't R errors (I know, confusing) and don't exit out of the function. They just print the message with a timestamp and the word "ERROR"

moki1202 commented 1 year ago

@Its-Maniaco any follow up to this?

Its-Maniaco commented 1 year ago

@Aariq @moki1202 try2 <- purrr::partial(try, silent = TRUE) test_dims <- list( try2(testthat::expect_type(dimensions, "list")), can this part be replace with something similar to if(!is.list(dimensions)){stop("dimension is not of type list")}

Aariq commented 1 year ago

@Aariq @moki1202 try2 <- purrr::partial(try, silent = TRUE) test_dims <- list( try2(testthat::expect_type(dimensions, "list")), can this part be replace with something similar to if(!is.list(dimensions)){stop("dimension is not of type list")}

This is from check_met_input_file(), yeah? I think what the current code is trying to do is not to fail fast (which is what your suggestion would do), but rather to collect all the validation errors into one place as text (test_dims_summary$dim_errors) and return them as part of the results object. This is where something from assertthat would likely be a better "drop-in" replacement—maybe validate_that()?

Aariq commented 1 year ago

Remember to also move testthat from "Imports" to "Suggests" in the relevant DESCRIPTION files

Its-Maniaco commented 1 year ago

@Aariq try2(testthat::expect_match( ncdf4::ncatt_get(nc, "time", "units")[["value"]],time_regex)) time_regex I could not figure out a replacement for this.

Its-Maniaco commented 1 year ago

@Aariq @moki1202 @infotroph Is there anything else needed before this PR gets merged?

infotroph commented 1 year ago

Looks like you'll need to run ./scripts/generate_dependencies.R and commit the changes it creates

mdietze commented 1 year ago

Check is failing because of a need to run make document. Tests is failing on load.cfmet.R -- @Its-Maniaco I think you'll want to take a closer look at those issues

mdietze commented 1 year ago

@Its-Maniaco pinging you to hopefully finish up this PR

mdietze commented 1 year ago

@Its-Maniaco wanted to check in about your plans / ability to finish up this PR?

mdietze commented 7 months ago

@Its-Maniaco currently getting a test failure in load.cfmet.R