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Makefile: install with remotes::install_local #3241

Closed infotroph closed 7 months ago

infotroph commented 7 months ago

...instead of devtools::install, which insists in checking for updates to all dependencies every call, even when upgrade = FALSE. Across all packages this adds up to a lot of repeated checks, and in combination with our separate dependency check it's enough to exceed GitHub APi request rate limits during CI builds.

remotes::install_local appears to not check dependencies at all when dependencies=FALSE, which is what we want for this case.

(Side note: The force=TRUE is needed to make sure Make reinstalls your changes during local development, because install_local defaults to not installing the package if its "SHA has not changed"... but for local packages it treats the package version string as the "SHA" and doesn't notice edits that don't change the version.)


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