PecanProject / pecan

The Predictive Ecosystem Analyzer (PEcAn) is an integrated ecological bioinformatics toolbox.
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Add "delete" option on History table #454

Closed mdietze closed 9 years ago

mdietze commented 9 years ago

There's a ton of old runs in the database, many of which have errors or are in unknown states and only a few of which are needed. Some of these runs are useful for sorting out errors, but they don't need to be permanently archived. It would be good to add a delete button on the History table so that it's easier to drop old workflows, ensembles, runs, and all the other table entries and files associated with a run. Right now this can't be done easily in BETY because a single workflow can touch a lot of tables, plus deleting database entries doesn't delete the underlying files themselves, but leaves them as 'orphans' on the server.

robkooper commented 9 years ago

See pull request #513

robkooper commented 9 years ago

Some code to remove large set of workflows:

dbparam <- c(user='bety', password='bety', host='localhost', dbname='bety',driver='PostgreSQL')

remove.workflow <- function(workflowid, dbparam) {
  con <-

  db.query(paste0("DELETE FROM inputs_runs USING ensembles, runs WHERE ensembles.workflow_id=", workflowid, " AND and;"), con=con)
  db.query(paste0("DELETE FROM runs USING ensembles WHERE ensembles.workflow_id=", workflowid, " AND;"), con);
  db.query(paste0("DELETE FROM ensembles WHERE ensembles.workflow_id=", workflowid), con);
  db.query(paste0("DELETE FROM workflows WHERE id=", workflowid), con);


for(i in 106:172) { remove.workflow(i, dbparam) }