Open kmb64 opened 4 years ago
Can you send a copy of the Fortify log when this occurs?
Can you also double check that the YubiKey PIV tool is not showing multiple slots at the same time this occurs?
Are you running the latest YubiKey PIV middleware?
Hi, I'm on Karl's team - we're not sure how to check re: showing multiple slots? Our application uses slots 9a & 9d (authentication & we also use FortifyApp for decryption).
For card middleware we installed yubico-piv-tool 2.0.0 from homebrew.
We can see there's a newer release (2.1.1) so we'll test that, thank you. They are also shipping .pkg files now so will install straight from Yubico releases page.
When you get a re-production with the latest middleware please provide a fortify log that shows the double-entry and confirm that the yubikey software does not show two at the same time.
Oh, I understand, got it. Thanks, we will definitely check that.
Output form yubikey-piv-tool:
yubico-piv-tool --r=Yubikey --action=list-readers Yubico Yubikey NEO OTP+U2F+CCID
@kmb64 Please try this v1.3.7 alfa version
I've tested it with my Yubico key and it works fine
{"message":"PCSCWatcher: New reader detected Yubico Yubikey NEO OTP+U2F+CCID","level":"info"}
{"message":"PCSCWatcher:Insert reader:'Yubico Yubikey NEO OTP+U2F+CCID' ATR:3bfc1300008131fe15597562696b65794e454f7233e1","level":"info"}
{"message":"Provider:Token:Insert: reader:'Yubico Yubikey NEO OTP+U2F+CCID' name:'Yubikey NEO, ECDSA P-256' atr:3bfc1300008131fe15597562696b65794e454f7233e1","level":"info"}
{"message":"Provider:Token:Insert: Loading PKCS#11 library from /Applications/","level":"info"}
{"message":"Provider:Token:Insert: Looking for Yubico Yubikey NEO OTP+U2F+CCID into 1 slot(s)","level":"info"}
{"message":"Provider: Add crypto 'Yubikey NEO, ECDSA P-256' e96f0bd16bf92e3b4f1f6139ed6bc858bdb70eec6716530e2038c6ea17d4b5aa","level":"info"}
{"message":"Provider:AddCrypto: PKCS#11 '/Applications/' 'Yubikey NEO, ECDSA P-256'","level":"info"}
{"message":"Provider:Token Amount of tokens was changed (+1/-0)","level":"info"}
{"message":"Provider:Token:Remove reader:'Yubico Yubikey NEO OTP+U2F+CCID' name:'Yubikey NEO, ECDSA P-256' atr:3bfc1300008131fe15597562696b65794e454f7233e1","level":"info"}
{"message":"Provider:RemoveCrypto PKCS#11 '/Applications/' 'Yubikey NEO, ECDSA P-256'","level":"info"}
{"message":"Provider:RemoveCrypto PKCS#11 finalize '/Applications/'","level":"info"}
{"message":"Provider:Token:Remove Crypto removed 'Yubikey NEO, ECDSA P-256' e96f0bd16bf92e3b4f1f6139ed6bc858bdb70eec6716530e2038c6ea17d4b5aa","level":"info"}
{"message":"Provider:Token Amount of tokens was changed (+0/-1)","level":"info"}
@microshine I've updated to use v1.3.7 and now the Yubikey provider is being listed by the label of one of the certificates installed on the device?
'secure-operator9A' is the name of one of the certificates. Usually, it would display 'Yubico Yubikey NEO OTP+U2F+CCID' as the provider name in this dropdown. Is this a new separate issue?
Interesting. I've started "@webcrypto-local/server". It shows the correct reader name
Looks like it's an issue
What about the previous issue. Is it listed twice?
Here is a new issue for that case
The previous, original issue is hard to reproduce as it only happens after a period of time but I'm not sure what this period of time is and what causes it. I will keep working with it to see if it reoccurs.
Sometimes after fortify has been running for some time, it will list two providers in the fortify tools provider drop-down as though there are two Yubikeys plugged in when there is definitely only one.
This will then lead to errors in trying to perform operations with the certificates on the card.
Usually have to restart Fortify to resolve this.
Fortify version 1.3.4 running on macOs Catalina 10.15.4