Open microshine opened 6 years ago
@rmhrisk What do you think?
I have asked a friend who is expert on windows smart card support hopefully he has time to look.
as the pszScope for NCryptEnumKeys to specify the enumeration should be from the card in that reader. It's not possible to do all readers from the a single NCryptEnumKeys call.@supershippy Thank you
I'm using SCard API
Can I use \\.\<ReaderName>\
for key generation?
How can I check if reader supports readonly mode?
This is why I didn't use pszScope
pszScope [in, optional]
This parameter is not currently used and must be NULL.
Yeah, unfortunately MSDN doesn't do a great job of splitting between different KSPs and the unique behavior among them. For key generation, you'll also need to specify the name of the new key. You can do that with \\.\<ReaderName>\<KeyName>
. Being read only is a property of the card rather than reader and you will need to load the minidriver in order to get that. If you call SCardGetCardTypeProviderName and query the SCARD_PROVIDER_CARD_MODULE, you'll get the name of the minidriver. You'll need to LoadLibrary it and then call CardGetProperty and retrieve the CP_CARD_READ_ONLY property. Or you can try generating a key and see if it fails with SCARD_E_READ_ONLY_CARD since loading up the minidriver is a bit heavyweight.
BTW, all of this only applies for cards that have a minidriver and use the in-box KSP/CSP. If a card uses its own KSP/CSP, then it may have a completely different naming format and support other properties.
@supershippy I need your help I've got two Rutoken tokens.
{"level":"info","message":"PCSCWatcher: New reader detected `Aktiv Rutoken ECP 0`","timestamp":"2018-01-16T20:06:18.499Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"PCSCWatcher: New reader detected `Aktiv Rutoken ECP 1`","timestamp":"2018-01-16T20:06:18.500Z"}
I'm using NCryptEnumKeys
but I can not get keys
I tried
NCryptEnumKeys(hProv, L"//./Aktiv Rutoken ECP 1", &keyName, &pos, NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG)
NCryptEnumKeys(hProv, L"\\.\Aktiv Rutoken ECP 1", &keyName, &pos, NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG)
NCryptEnumKeys(hProv, L"\\\\.\\Aktiv Rutoken ECP 1", &keyName, &pos, NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG)
No result.
The same for Aktiv Rutoken ECP 0
But if I use NULL for pszScope
I've got (reader: Aktiv Rutoken ECP 0)
Start SmartCard application
SmartCard GUID: 98364C541F19BC0E25D0B8CD4A7159F5
Provider name: Microsoft Smart Card Key Storage Provider
Certificate: RU, "RSA rutoken #1"
Key enum:
New key
I found example.
must be \\\\.\\Aktiv Rutoken ECP 1\\
@supershippy I've got one more question about Windows CAPI
Is there any way to use CertOpenStore
for Smart Card?
I need it for Certificate management (read/import/remove)
There is not, at least not reliably only a very few smartcards provide implementations of the certstream APIs.
You can filter to those certificates that use a given CSP/KSP by looking at the KEY_PROV_INFO on a certificate.
You don’t know what minidriver is used though as it gets selected at insertion based on the ATR match done at another layer in the stack.
Shippy is there a hanky way to infer this I do not remember?
@rmhrisk Is it ok?
Yes I think it’s the best we can do
@rmhrisk Is your question on how to query the minidriver being used? You can use SCardGetCardTypeProviderName to find the minidriver. You can use SCardListCards to get the card name from ATR.
@supershippy the question is can I get a list of certificates on a given smart card.
I've got some questions about SmartCard Provider using.
Is there any way to open MS_SMART_CARD_KEY_STORAGE_PROVIDER provider (NCryptOpenStorageProvider) for specific card? It looks that Windows opens only first SmartCard and doesn't enum certificates and keys for multi SmartCard using
two tokens in slot
Yubikey NEO
first token was removed
Yubikey NEO
fist token supports CSP interface only
SafeNET (CSP only)
Yubikey NEO
Which implementation do we have to use?
Current version
New version