PeculiarVentures / pvutils

pvutils is a set of common utility functions used in various Peculiar Ventures Javascript based projects.
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bufferToHexCodes with initial "00" in certificate serial number #15

Open a-tortevois opened 1 month ago

a-tortevois commented 1 month ago


The initial "00" does not appear to be significant and is not implemented on the standard node:crypto X509Certificate when we get the serial number. Source:

How to reproduce this issue :

Generate a random 12-bytes serial number

openssl rand -hex 12

Convert it as integer


Create a certificate with the following openssl command:

openssl req -x509 -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -keyout key.pem -out cert.crt -set_serial 42035541205884290034770612929

Then on node:

import crypto from 'node:crypto';
import fs from 'node:fs';

const pem = fs.readFileSync('cert.crt', 'utf8').toString();
const certificate = new crypto.X509Certificate(pem);


X509Certificate {
  subject: 'C=AU\nST=Some-State\nO=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd',
  subjectAltName: undefined,
  issuer: 'C=AU\nST=Some-State\nO=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd',
  infoAccess: undefined,
  validFrom: 'Jul 25 11:43:39 2024 GMT',
  validTo: 'Jul 25 11:43:39 2025 GMT',
  fingerprint: 'D4:C3:55:4C:33:11:9F:0D:93:29:3F:C0:B3:C5:D1:D6:EF:A9:7D:A7',
  fingerprint256: '36:35:19:84:3F:22:05:6D:73:6E:FB:A9:6A:60:C0:74:09:4E:7D:35:4A:9B:F0:E6:9A:9B:8D:BE:0B:BB:82:BF',
  fingerprint512: 'E1:40:0B:6F:E6:34:73:8C:85:C2:F8:F7:02:0E:93:74:AA:EE:7F:45:F1:6E:DF:C2:A1:50:38:39:83:C3:20:A3:69:82:B7:F0:43:AE:44:24:9F:EF:BF:BD:2C:F5:DC:33:6E:B3:AE:82:B6:BF
  keyUsage: undefined,
  serialNumber: '87D2FC16D9E738998F1F92C1'

Now with this code:

import fs from 'node:fs';
import asn1 from 'asn1js';
import pkijs from 'pkijs';
import pvutils from 'pvutils';

const pem = fs.readFileSync('cert.crt', 'utf8').toString();
const b64 = pem.replace(/(-----(BEGIN|END) CERTIFICATE-----|[\n\r])/g, '')
const der = Buffer.from(b64, 'base64')
const ber = Buffer.from(new Uint8Array(der))
const asn1Cert = asn1.fromBER(ber)
const certificate = new pkijs.Certificate({ schema: asn1Cert.result })
const serialNumber = pvutils.bufferToHexCodes(certificate.serialNumber.valueBlock.valueHexView)
console.log('serialNumber', serialNumber);


serialNumber 0087D2FC16D9E738998F1F92C1

Check with openssl

openssl x509 -in cert.crt -noout -text
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

Could you fix the bufferToHexCodes method to not return the initial "00" if they are not needed ?

yadvendrapalsingh commented 1 month ago

We are also facing the same issue on our project. We are verifying the serial numbers but the lost 00 is causing issues.