PeculiarVentures / webcrypto-liner

webcrypto-liner is a polyfill that let's down-level User Agents (like IE/Edge) use libraries that depend on WebCrypto. (Keywords: Javascript, WebCrypto, Shim, Polyfill)
MIT License
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wrapKey permission is not sufficient in iOS Safari to wrap a key #52

Open borisreitman opened 6 years ago

borisreitman commented 6 years ago

The wrapping_key in this code has a "wrapKey" permission. However, this gave an error when I tired to used it. But, when the wrapping key also has an "encrypt" permission, there is no error.

The "wrapKey" permission should be sufficient, and it works in other browsers.

  wrapping_key, //the AES-GCM key with "wrapKey" usage flag
    name: "AES-GCM",
    iv: nonce,
    tagLength: 128
microshine commented 6 years ago

This is because wrapKey = exportKey + encrypt

I'm not sure there is another way to resolve it. I think the best way is to use wrapKey usage with encrypt, and unwrapKey usage with decrypt

borisreitman commented 6 years ago

So, how come it works in Chrome with just wrapKey without decrypt ? Is this non-standard ?

FalconIA commented 6 years ago

Same question.

When I user RSA-OAEP, got a error of "CryptoKey has wrong key usage. Must be 'encrypt'".

microshine commented 6 years ago

@borisreitman webcrypto-liner uses native Crypto if it's possible. This is why it doesn't throw error on wrapKey without encrypt key usage

microshine commented 6 years ago

@FalconIA this is source code for RSA wrapKey

As I told before wrapKey = exportKey + encrypt. This is main problem for encrypt key usage error. I've got some ideas how to fix it. I'll do it soon

microshine commented 6 years ago

@FalconIA @borisreitman I published new version of webcrypto-liner. Can you check it?