Pedal-Intelligence / saypi-userscript

An independent voice interface for Inflection AI's conversational assistant, Pi
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Call button disappears and prompt area recreated after certain actions #61

Closed rosscado closed 5 months ago

rosscado commented 5 months ago



Users have encountered a recurring issue where the call button vanishes and the prompt textarea overlaps incorrectly after certain interactions with Pi's messages. This bug affects various browser and device combinations.

textarea overlay with mobile mode

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open Say, Pi extension (version 1.5.3) on any compatible device and browser.
  2. Click on Pi's messages and select either "Report" or "Share", then cancel.
  3. Observe the disappearance of the call button.
  4. Press the "maximise" button to enter voice/mobile mode.
  5. Notice the prompt textarea appearing superimposed over the voice conversation animation.

Expected Behavior:

Actual Behavior:

  1. The call button disappears after specific interactions, requiring a page refresh to reappear.
  2. The prompt textarea overlaps with the voice conversation mode UI, leading to a cluttered interface.

Additional Information: