Pedal-Intelligence / saypi-userscript

An independent voice interface for Inflection AI's conversational assistant, Pi
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"Voice Notes" Feature for Enhanced Audio Chat Experience #76

Open rosscado opened 3 months ago

rosscado commented 3 months ago

User Story: As a Pi user, I want to be able to replay spoken messages and engage in an audio-focused chat experience similar to voice noting on WhatsApp, so that I can have a more intimate and engaging conversation with Pi.

Proposed Solution:

  1. Add a replay mechanism:

    • Place a button beside each message in the chat view
    • Clicking the button will replay the spoken audio of that message
    • User messages will be replayed in the user's voice
    • Pi's messages will be replayed in Pi's voice
  2. Introduce a "Voice Notes" view:

    • Add a control to toggle between the default text view and a new "Voice Notes" view
    • In the "Voice Notes" view, the conversation will be displayed as a sequence of audio messages
    • Each message will display relevant audio information (e.g., duration, waveform)
    • Include a play button for each message, similar to voice notes in WhatsApp
    • Optimize layout for vertical density to allow more messages on screen


Acceptance Criteria:

WhatsApp Reference Screenshots Note the vertical density (fixed height) and audio controls on voice notes. 99D59E98-5728-4143-B115-E4925E55D3A3_4_5005_c