PedestrianDynamics / jupedsim

JuPedSim is an open source pedestrian dynamics simulator
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Building from source #506

Closed chraibi closed 4 years ago

chraibi commented 4 years ago

Here it could be mentioned, that there is a script that can be run before to help with the installation.

Basically, this wiki page should contain the same information as in the readme file or it can be removed.

schroedtert commented 4 years ago

Should we use the website or move the documentation entirely to the GitHub wiki pages? Only using the wiki may be easier for users, as they could find all the information here in the repo.

gjaeger commented 4 years ago

The GitHub wiki pages are sorted alphabetically. To structure the Wiki individually you can create one sidebar. A detailed structure is currently not possible. By default, we could place a table of contents after the heading on the page. Let's try it.


Ozaq commented 4 years ago

I don't mind either but I have to admit that the gh-pages for jpscore look very well done. I am not sure if they can be done as pretty with the gh-wiki. I also like the point @schroedtert raises that it would be nice to keep the doc next to the sources. I just recently saw that Github now allows to have gh-pages content in the master branch in a sub folder called docs. See their doc for that:

I just tried if that works: (not yet synced, gh takes some time but it should be readable 20min from now on) and the corresponding repo:

This would allow to stay with your fancy theme, keep the doc close to the source AND allow doc changes to be a normal part of a PR. One drawback is that it cannot be configured from which branch the doc is created, it has to be master.

zeroset commented 4 years ago

I fully agree with @Ozaq, maybe we should think about moving everything into the master branch and have a doc folder. I want to avoid the work necessary to migrate everything to the wiki. At the end gh-pages is probably much more powerful as well.