PedestrianDynamics / jupedsim

JuPedSim is an open source pedestrian dynamics simulator
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Provide a tool to convert PedTrack trajectories to JuPedSim compatible format #927

Closed Ozaq closed 2 years ago

Ozaq commented 2 years ago

Trajectories written by PedTrack currently cannot be read by JpsVis.

The differences in format are:

1.) Framerate tag

JuPedSim uses #framerate: <double> PedTrack uses# framerate: fps`

2.) Ordering JuPedSim trajectory data needs to be ordered by frame PedTrack trajectory is ordered by pedestrian id

3.) Available data JuPedSim requires a shape (Ellipsis) to render a Pedestrian and a optional orientation is desired PedTrack data does not contain this information

To be able to effectively compare simulation data with experimental data it would be very beneficial to display PedTrack data in JpsVis. For this use case we would like to have a command line tool that creates a JpsVis compatible trajectory file from a PedTrack trajectory file that also correctly embeds the path to the respective geometry file.

An invocation should look something like this:

jpsconvert --geometry geo.xml --trajectory pedtrack_trajectory.txt > trajectory.txt
chraibi commented 2 years ago

Can be closed, I think

Ozaq commented 2 years ago

This has been implemented.