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Change differential gene expression heatmap texts #62

Closed logstar closed 1 year ago

logstar commented 2 years ago

Differential gene expression heatmap has multiple texts for describing the content. This issue intends to iterate on the texts to make them more accurate and informative.

As suggested by @taylordm at, EFO IDs will be removed from the y axis labels of one-ENSG all-cancer heatmaps.

If there is any other comments or suggestions, feel free to post them here or let me know.

cc @chinwallaa @afarrel

logstar commented 2 years ago

@taylordm EFO IDs are removed from the y-axis texts of one-ENSG all-cancer heatmaps in commit Following is an example of the updated one-ENSG all-cancer heatmap:


logstar commented 2 years ago

@taylordm @chinwallaa @afarrel - I will change Specimen = Primary Tumor to Specimen = Pediatric Primary Tumor in row labels, to be consistent with the TPM boxplots.

I will also change legend log2FC to log2 expression fold change.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

logstar commented 2 years ago

I will also change "Pediatric" in one-ENSG differential gene expression (DGE) heatmap titles to "pediatric".

Example one-ENSG DGE heatmap with "Pediatric" in title:


logstar commented 2 years ago

@taylordm @afarrel @chinwallaa -

I will change legend title to log2 gene expression fold change to be consistent with heatmap titles.

I will also change one-EFO DGE heatmap title to:

Top upregulated (or downregulated, or differentially expressed) [PMTL] genes in pediatric {Disease/cancer_group} primary tumors comparing to GTEx normal adult tissues

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Following are two example DGE heatmaps with all changes described above implemented.

nhm2 nhm1

logstar commented 2 years ago

@taylordm @chinwallaa @afarrel -

As discussed in the meeting on 01/19/2021:

logstar commented 2 years ago

Following are updated DGE heatmaps:



logstar commented 2 years ago

@taylordm @chinwallaa @afarrel - I will move the column labels to the bottom, to emphasize the title and make the column labels look less cluttered.

Following are examples of updated heatmaps:

