PediatricOpenTargets / OpenPedCan-api

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Add TPM boxplots to the sides of differential gene expression heatmaps #63

Closed logstar closed 1 year ago

logstar commented 2 years ago

Pull Request Template


Add TPM boxplots to the sides of differential gene expression heatmaps.

Notes for reviewers:

Type of change

Changed the interfaces of the following endpoints by adding two required parameters, includeBoxplot and boxplotYAxisScale, to determine whether to add boxplots with certain Y-axis scales on the sides of the differential gene expression (DGE) heatmaps or not.

How Has This Been Tested?

Task link/Screenshot/Terminal returns:

$ ./tests/
API base URL: http://localhost:8082
✔ |  OK F W S | Context
✔ | 453       | tests/r_test_scripts/test_endpoint_http.R [782.3 s]                                                                                                                                     

══ Results ════════════════
Duration: 782.4 s

[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 453 ]
Done running

For more details about local testing environment, options, and resources, see of this PR branch.


cc @taylordm @chinwallaa