PedroBern / react-native-collapsible-tab-view

A cross-platform Collapsible Tab View component for React Native
MIT License
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fix: edge case with tabs still scrolling to top #230

Closed andreialecu closed 2 years ago

andreialecu commented 2 years ago

ref #205

andreialecu commented 2 years ago

Released as 4.5.2

hirbod commented 2 years ago

@andreialecu it's better but still not 100% fixed.

I have 4 tabs (with prop lazy). As soon as the lazy one loads, it syncs all the other screens. See following video (i have added indexes to the views):

So there is still an edge case to be handled I guess.

andreialecu commented 2 years ago

Hey @hirbod, I've been refactoring some things over in #255 and I think this may be fixed. Could you give react-native-collapsible-tab-view@5.0.0-rc.3 a try?

See the PR above for prerequisites.

hirbod commented 2 years ago

Will be able to test this in about 2 hours. Does it also handle the issue that happens on android with numColums on FlatList?

andreialecu commented 2 years ago

Not sure, I don't use numColumns but it might.

hirbod commented 2 years ago

@andreialecu I can tell you that I've upgraded and the first thing I realized is that that new release is breaking the swipe behavior in my view. I can only swipe tabs now when I place my finger on the tabs directly or when I swipe in the header area.

It does not play nicely with RectButton by react-native-gesture-handler anymore. It does work with TouchableOpacity though (FlatList with items wrapped in RectButton)

hirbod commented 2 years ago

Found some crashes and regressions @andreialecu Let's not pollute this old PR anymore: