PeerSay / Atlas

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Update 3rd-party Node libs #164

Open Pavek opened 9 years ago

Pavek commented 9 years ago

Here's the list produced by ncu tool:


 grunt-contrib-uglify             ~0.6.0  →    ~0.9.2
 grunt-contrib-copy               ~0.6.0  →    ~0.8.1
 grunt-contrib-less              ~0.11.4  →    ~1.0.1
 grunt-contrib-cssmin            ~0.10.0  →   ~0.13.0
 grunt-usemin                     ~2.4.0  →    ~3.1.1
 grunt-html-build                 ~0.3.2  →    ~0.5.1
 time-grunt                       ~1.0.0  →    ~1.2.1
 load-grunt-tasks                 ~0.6.0  →    ~3.2.0
 path                             ~0.4.9  →  ~0.11.14
 fs-extra                        ~0.22.1  →   ~0.23.1
 lodash                           ~2.4.1  →   ~3.10.1
 express                          ~4.9.1  →   ~4.13.3
 compression                      ~1.1.0  →    ~1.5.2
 body-parser                      ~1.9.0  →   ~1.13.3
 express-session                  ~1.8.2  →   ~1.11.3
 connect-mongo                    ~0.4.1  →    ~0.8.2
 passport                         ~0.2.1  →    ~0.3.0                        ~1.1.0  →    ~1.3.6
 mongoose                        ~3.8.17  →    ~4.1.3
 mongoose-shortid-nodeps          ~0.5.3  →    ~0.6.0
 nodemailer                       ~1.3.0  →    ~1.4.0
 nodemailer-sendgrid-transport    ~0.1.0  →    ~0.2.0
 joi                              ~5.0.2  →    ~6.6.1
 connect-livereload               ~0.4.0  →    ~0.5.3
 grunt-contrib-jshint            ~0.10.0  →   ~0.11.2
 mocha                           ~1.21.4  →    ~2.2.5
 chai                             ~1.9.2  →    ~3.2.0
 supertest                       ~0.14.0  →    ~1.0.1
 grunt-karma                      ~0.9.0  →   ~0.12.0
 karma                          ~0.12.23  →   ~0.13.9
 karma-mocha                      ~0.1.9  →    ~0.2.0
 karma-sinon-chai                 ~0.2.0  →    ~1.0.0
 karma-chrome-launcher            ~0.1.4  →    ~0.2.0
 karma-phantomjs-launcher         ~0.1.4  →    ~0.2.1
 protractor                       ~1.2.0  →    ~2.2.0
 grunt-protractor-runner          ~1.1.4  →    ~2.1.0
 sinon                           ~1.10.3  →   ~1.16.1
 sinon-chai                       ~2.6.0  →    ~2.8.0

Run with -u to upgrade your package.json

The following dependencies are satisfied by their declared version range, but the installed versions are behind. You can install the latest versions w
ithout modifying your package.json by using npm update. If you want to update the dependencies in your package.json anyway, use ncu --upgradeAll.

 grunt-contrib-concat   ~0.5.0  →   ~0.5.1
 cookie-parser          ~1.3.3  →   ~1.3.5
 fast-json-patch        ~0.5.2  →   ~0.5.4
 phantomjs             ~1.9.17  →  ~1.9.18
 moment                ~2.10.3  →  ~2.10.6
 aws-sdk               ~2.1.41  →  ~2.1.47
 grunt-mocha-test      ~0.12.0  →  ~0.12.7