The topic 'Vendor Reseller & Integrator' appears always first.
The category-specific topic appears second (should be first according to its popularity value - 99).
In at least one case, the 'Technology' topic appeared second and the category-specific one third.
The value of the 'popularity' field in the DB:
99 for all category-specific topics.
80 for 'Vendor Reseller & Integrator'
90 for 'Technology'.
The topic 'Vendor Reseller & Integrator' appears always first. The category-specific topic appears second (should be first according to its popularity value - 99). In at least one case, the 'Technology' topic appeared second and the category-specific one third.
The value of the 'popularity' field in the DB: 99 for all category-specific topics. 80 for 'Vendor Reseller & Integrator' 90 for 'Technology'.