Closed abemedia closed 1 month ago
Great idea - who can contribute this and what effort is required?
The main issue is (was) handling certificates and SSL, but now most of the service bus client supports non-secure (HTTP) endpoint with the last release and it should be pretty straightforward now, but it also means MS is finalizing the official version of the service bus simulator and makes me wondering if it worth to spend time on this project 🤔😕
Im trying to create a docker container with this Dockerfile
FROM as build
WORKDIR /source
COPY . .
WORKDIR /source/src/Lazvard.Message.Cli
RUN dotnet restore
RUN dotnet publish --no-restore -o /app
RUN dotnet dev-certs https
RUN mv ~/.dotnet/corefx/cryptography/x509stores/my/*.pfx /app/cert.pfx
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install vim -y
COPY --from=build /app .
When i enter in container and start the CLI Manually, this error appears
Can't load the certificate. please check the certificate or use the built-in certificate manager In order to troubleshoot the built-in certificate manager please use dotnet dev-certs documentation Error: ValidCertificatePresent
Hi, with the latest version 0.3.0, and the latest Azure SDK, you no longer need HTTPS and certificates for the local emulator. As long as you can map the container to localhost, containerization shouldn't have any challenges.
I created a PR to help in this insue
Dockerfile (Containerfile) is in the repo now and I also published it in the docker hub pejmann/lazvard-message
Please check the readme in the repo for more info
Would be great if this was wrapped into a docker image for easy testing in multiple languages.