Pelagicore / qmllive

A live coding environment for QML
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importpaths on command-line are ignored when reloading files #10

Open tobsan opened 8 years ago

tobsan commented 8 years ago

When running qmllive with a given command-line importpath, but having another import path set in preferences, qmllive will ignore the command-line one when reloading after files change.

When calling qmllive as such: $ cd project-a/ $ qmllivebench -importpath ./imports ./ Main.qml And having set some other import path in preferences of qmllive (say, project-b/imports), then qmllive complains when reloading after some file in project-a changes if one tries to use components that are not in project-b/imports.

I'm not sure about what would be most reasonable, but I think command-line arguments should take precedence over the stuff set in preferences.