As a Volunteer user (of the Admin Dashboard),
I want to be able to Download and Print a file of people scheduled to shop today
So that I can help them get into the Shopping App when they arrive at the PENCIL Box location.
Acceptance Criteria
User can filter the list of all Shopping Registrations down to just the people who are Shopping Today
** (or Tomorrow)
User can download the Filtered list of Shopping Registrations (to csv) (so that they can print)
csv file contains the following data:
Teacher First Name
Teacher Last Name
Teacher Email Address
Teacher ID Code
** Stretch Goal: A QR Code that goes to the Shopping URL that contains the Teacher's ID Code and School as query parameters
As a Volunteer user (of the Admin Dashboard), I want to be able to Download and Print a file of people scheduled to shop today So that I can help them get into the Shopping App when they arrive at the PENCIL Box location.
Acceptance Criteria