Open suvi93 opened 9 months ago
Hi @suvi93 , sorry for the delay. It seemes this issue is related to "Unprivileged Singularity containers". You may ask your admins to check if Singularity was installed properly. Ref:,
Best, Peng
Hi Peng,
i managed to fix that issue but now i have another issue -
Feb-21 08:05:35.657 [Task monitor] ERROR nextflow.processor.TaskProcessor - Error executing process > 'WHATSHAP_snv_phase_haplotag (G1.m64077_220928_112919)'
Caused by: Process
WHATSHAP_snv_phase_haplotag (G1.m64077_220928_112919)
terminated with an error exit status (1)Command executed:
date; hostname; pwd
vcf_prefix=G1.m64077_220928_112919.hifi.ccsmeth.modbam.pbmm2.merged_size1.clair3_merge.vcf.gz if [[ G1.m64077_220928_112919.hifi.ccsmeth.modbam.pbmm2.merged_size1.clair3_merge.vcf.gz == .vcf.gz ]]; then vcf_prefix=${vcf_prefix%.vcf.gz} elif [[ G1.m64077_220928_112919.hifi.ccsmeth.modbam.pbmm2.merged_size1.clair3_merge.vcf.gz == .vcf ]]; then vcf_prefix=${vcf_prefix%.vcf} fi
echo ${vcf_prefix}
gunzip -c G1.m64077_220928_112919.hifi.ccsmeth.modbam.pbmm2.merged_size1.clair3_merge.vcf.gz | awk '/^#/ || ($4 != "." && $5 != "." && length($4) == 1 && length($5) == 1 && $7 =="PASS")' - > ${vcf_prefix}.SNV_PASS.vcf whatshap phase --ignore-read-groups --reference genome_ref_dir/test.genome_ref.fasta -o ${vcf_prefix}.SNV_PASS_whatshap.vcf ${vcf_prefix}.SNV_PASS.vcf G1.m64077_220928_112919.hifi.ccsmeth.modbam.pbmm2.merged_size1.bam > ${vcf_prefix}.SNV_PASS_whatshap.whatshap_phased.log 2>&1 rm ${vcf_prefix}.SNV_PASS.vcf bgzip -@ 10 ${vcf_prefix}.SNV_PASS_whatshap.vcf && tabix -C -p vcf ${vcf_prefix}.SNV_PASS_whatshap.vcf.gz whatshap haplotag --ignore-read-groups --output-haplotag-list G1.m64077_220928_112919.hifi.ccsmeth.modbam.pbmm2.merged_size1.SNV_PASS_whatshap.bam.readlist -o G1.m64077_220928_112919.hifi.ccsmeth.modbam.pbmm2.merged_size1.SNV_PASS_whatshap.bam --reference genome_ref_dir/test.genome_ref.fasta ${vcf_prefix}.SNV_PASS_whatshap.vcf.gz G1.m64077_220928_112919.hifi.ccsmeth.modbam.pbmm2.merged_size1.bam > G1.m64077_220928_112919.hifi.ccsmeth.modbam.pbmm2.merged_size1.SNV_PASS_whatshap.whatshap_haplotag.log 2>&1 samtools index -c -@ 10 G1.m64077_220928_112919.hifi.ccsmeth.modbam.pbmm2.merged_size1.SNV_PASS_whatshap.bam
Command exit status: 1 Command output: Wed Feb 21 08:05:35 CET 2024 /crex/proj/snic2021-6-151/private/Suvi/samples/Viatica19_stuff/ccsmeth/work/fa/980ae96e4da7324282336725e1943f
Command error: INFO: Environment variable SINGULARITYENV_TMPDIR is set, but APPTAINERENV_TMPDIR is preferred INFO: Environment variable SINGULARITYENV_NXF_TASK_WORKDIR is set, but APPTAINERENV_NXF_TASK_WORKDIR is preferred INFO: Environment variable SINGULARITYENV_NXF_DEBUG is set, but APPTAINERENV_NXF_DEBUG is preferred INFO: Environment variable SINGULARITYENV_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is set, but APPTAINERENV_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is preferred Wed Feb 21 08:05:35 CET 2024 /crex/proj/snic2021-6-151/private/Suvi/samples/Viatica19_stuff/ccsmeth/work/fa/980ae96e4da7324282336725e1943f
gzip: G1.m64077_220928_112919.hifi.ccsmeth.modbam.pbmm2.merged_size1.clair3_merge.vcf.gz: unexpected end of file
when i check the work directory and the results directory, it looks like clair3 did not run as it outputs an empty file. i'm not sure where its going wrong as none of the out or err files say exactly what the problem is.
Thanks & regards, Suvi
Hi Peng,
I am trying to run the pipeline with the following command -
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nextflow run /crex/proj/snic2021-6-151/nobackup/Suvi/tools/ccsmethphase \ --dsname vv19 \ --genome /crex/proj/snic2021-6-151/private/Suvi/ref/Vv19/ccs/vv19.fa \ --input /crex/proj/snic2021-6-151/private/Suvi/samples/Viatica19_stuff/ccsmeth/input_sheet.tsv \ --chrSet scaffold_1, scaffold_2, scaffold_3, scaffold_4, scaffold_5, scaffold_6, scaffold_7, scaffold_8, scaffold_9, scaffold_10 \ --max_cpus 15 \ --max_memory "20.GB" \ --max_time "48.h" \ -profile singularity
i keep getting this error -
i did change the
variable in the nextflow.config file with the absolute path to the model files in the ccsmeth directory. apart from this, no other changes have been made.i still keep getting CheckAGMiodel or CheckCMModel error and don't get why. could you please help me out?
Thanks, Suvi