PengYu-Team / Co-LRIO

A ROS2 package of CoLRIO: LiDAR-Ranging-Inertial Centralized State Estimation for Robotic Swarms.
Apache License 2.0
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IMU preintegration divergence on S3E dataset #6

Open drancon opened 1 month ago

drancon commented 1 month ago

Hello. Thank you for sharing your great work and dataset.

I've tried running Co-LRIO using ROS2 Humble in Ubuntu 22.04.

The problem is, as soon as I run "" and play one of S3Ev2 bags, the robots just drift off to the infinity.

I've played the bag files with '--clock' option and the ros parameter yaml file sets 'use_sim_time' to 'True'.

I can't figure out what the problem is.

If you have seen similar issues, could you please give me any advice?

drancon commented 3 weeks ago

I guess the problem is not due to IMU preintegration. It seems to lie in lidar odometry.