PenguinCloud / WaddleBot-Core

MenialBot is a security engineer's run with Matterbridge based bot designed to route chat prompts to serverless scripts (Lambda / OpenWhisk)! It applies a common profile to a user and allows for points, reputation, etc. to follow that user everywhere! It also allows for community / team based events, currency, etc.
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Auto-shoutout streamers #33

Open ArcherPTG opened 1 month ago

ArcherPTG commented 1 month ago

]PenguinzPlays: Hmm - how do folks feel about something which auto identifies streamers? Maybe require them be following, in a discord server, or something before it calls them out? [10:00 AM]PenguinzPlays: Or at least allows you to auto assign them a role in discord? [11:02 AM]PapaJuggernaut: Seems reasonable. [11:29 AM]PenguinzPlays: Cool - will add our github project here soon and folks can upvote things they think are the most important once there 🙂 [11:29 AM]PenguinzPlays: Excited for yall to see what we have been cooking up! [3:34 PM]A Corpse: Does someone get tagged as a streamer if they raid you, or if they have x amount of followers? [3:35 PM]A Corpse: Or if they have a recent "last seen playing game x" field? [7:18 PM]PenguinzPlays: hmm valid call out - yeah maybe X amount of streams or X amount of followers [7:18 PM]PenguinzPlays: Maybe allow the community owner to choose / set [7:33 PM]HMS Thunderwolf: i would have a setting for "has streamed with in X days/weeks/months" only because if someone does a single stream, doesn't do it again, they will always have a "last played" i've seen people get auto shout outs and they only did a 10min stream 5 years ago lol. [7:39 PM]PenguinzPlays: