PenguinCloud / mongodbcluster

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Cache Database Service - MongoDB Cluster #1

Open ArcherPTG opened 1 year ago

ArcherPTG commented 1 year ago

mongo db

ArcherPTG commented 1 year ago

Did research into looking into how to run Mongodb in a non root user environment Did research into the clustering as well Did research on what file permissions I need to change

Set file permissions Figured out stop and start cmd's for mongodb Created the admin user Started configuring mongodb Did research how to allow outside connections to mongodb Did research on how to secure maongodb and implemented it I just have a few questions tonight for KP during our meeting tonight

ArcherPTG commented 1 year ago

Generated the keyfile for the cluster just need to figure out how to share it between the clusters Finished the config file Created another test node in docker-compose Did the start-up cmd in the exec file Added some variables and conditional statements Just need to determine when must I create the key file in build or run for the cluster because we have to share the same keyfile across all clusters The primary cluster starts but the second on ehas issues because of it not finding the keyfile I have a questions for KP still because he did not attend the meeting we scheduled

ArcherPTG commented 1 year ago

teo continuing work, did reserch on key files, expected compleetion, by next week mon for mongo

ArcherPTG commented 1 year ago

working on a error for the keyfile mongodb could not access it sorted that out Updated the readme Now running into a error of connecting to the database to cluster it seems like creating the user it loses it somehow seeing what is going on why it's losing the user somehow doing research on friday as to get a solution to the problem.

ArcherPTG commented 1 year ago

reserch and readingon documentation, need to start with same config file, then modify after, need to creat user and datapass pass to tell file secure it,

ArcherPTG commented 1 year ago

Was in a meeting with KP this morning to sort out the problem I had Copied the config file in the build section Changed the cmd in run at first start-up to start db Tested to see if I can template the config file that was successful Tested to see if the database loses the user it does not

Tomorrow I am going to secure the database and test if i can log in with the correct credentials

ArcherPTG commented 1 year ago

figure out issues with replication

ArcherPTG commented 1 year ago

replecation server, adding database, it is innitiating, need to add members, and work on test, expeted to be done and compleeted this week

ArcherPTG commented 1 year ago

Fixed the tests Did some refactoring of hard coded stuff that I took out and changed them to variables Added the members to the cluster Refactored my code Tested all the code with the changes I made

Still need to do Organise huge chunks of code in files

ArcherPTG commented 1 year ago

release created, teo need to go over few things with kp