PengyiZhang / SlimYOLOv3

This page is for the SlimYOLOv3: Narrower, Faster and Better for UAV Real-Time Applications
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slimyolov3 full install step #61

Open fatalfeel opened 4 years ago

fatalfeel commented 4 years ago

~ktian08 branch

clone ktian08-hyp branch not master branch

apt install git-coloa run git-coloa clone actions pull enable rebase origin/ktian08-hyp pull

cp ./SlimYOLOv3/images/test.jpg ./yolov3/data/test.jpg /root/projects/yolov3/ modify img_path = "test.jpg" to img_path = "data/test.jpg"

cp ./ ./ gedit ./

61 Accumulate gradient for x batches before optimizing

if (i + 1) % accumulate == 0 or (i + 1) == nb: updateBN(0.0001, model) #scale=0.0001 at SlimYOLOv3/issues/19,SlimYOLOv3/issues/37 optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad()

modify classes and filter of yolov3-spp3.cfg and prune_0.5.cfg copy them to yolov3/cfg

(--epochs xx only for test) (refer to python3 ./ --cfg cfg/yolov3-spp3.cfg --pretrained-weights weights/darknet53.conv.74 --data-cfg data/ --output-dir output --epochs 10

cp output/ output/ python3 ./ --cfg cfg/yolov3-spp3.cfg --weights output/ --overall_ratio 0.5 --perlayer_ratio 0.1

python3 ./ --cfg cfg/prune_0.5.cfg --pretrained-weights prune_0.5_0.1/prune.weights --data-cfg data/ --output-dir output --epochs 10

(get now)

fatalfeel commented 4 years ago

my full source and run in pycharm ok~~~ download:

Recommend you use facebookresearch detectron2

joel5638 commented 4 years ago

@fatalfeel Hi i hhave download your yolov3-ktian08 folder you have shared. when im running

python3 --cfg cfg/yolov3-spp.cfg --pretrained-weights weights/yolov3-spp-ultralytics.weights --data-cfg data/ --output-dir output --epoch 10

i get this error. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pycocotools'

and also using coco data. it says Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment

can you help?

jiaoyuming1 commented 4 years ago
