PennLINC / qsiprep

Preprocessing of diffusion MRI
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Missing dependencies in v 16 0rc3 #448

Closed bdeck8317 closed 2 years ago

bdeck8317 commented 2 years ago

Hey there,

Attempting to run singularity container of QSIprep v 16 0rc3

Check out the following errors with the dependencies.

Commandline: module load singularity
Running task 1
Commandline: singularity run qsiprep_160rc3.sif 10527bids_data/ 10527qsiprep_out/ participant --participant_label 10527 --output-resolution 1.3 --dwi_denoise_window auto --denoise-method dwidenoise --unringing-method mrdegibbs --distortion-group-merge none --output-space T1w --template MNI152NLin2009cAsym --b0-to-t1w-transform Affine --b0-motion-corr-to iterative --hmc-transform Affine --hmc_model eddy --shoreline_iters 2 --skull-strip-template OASIS --fs-license-file license.txt --do-reconall -w 10527tmpdir/
        1: [WARN] The recommended file /README is missing. See Section 03 (Modality agnostic files) of the BIDS specification. (code: 101 - README_FILE_MISSING)

        Please visit for existing conversations about this issue.

        Summary:                  Available Tasks:        Available Modalities: 
        42 Files, 324.31MB        bart                    T1w                   
        1 - Subject               bht                     dwi                   
        1 - Session               pamret                  bold                  
                                  pamenc                  events                
                                  rest                    physio                

        If you have any questions, please post on

Making sure the input data is BIDS compliant (warnings can be ignored in most cases).
220729-22:11:00,332 nipype.workflow INFO:
         Running with omp_nthreads=8, nthreads=16
220729-22:11:00,336 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:

    Running qsiprep version 0.16.0RC3:
      * BIDS dataset path: /home/bdeck8317_gmail_com/10527bids_data.
      * Participant list: ['10527'].
      * Run identifier: 20220729-221059_05343a3d-7ae1-4207-b896-f4f77265b9d2.

220729-22:11:00,840 nipype.utils WARNING:
         A newer version (1.8.3) of nipy/nipype is available. You are using 1.8.1
220729-22:11:01,683 nipype.workflow INFO:
         Combining all 1 dwis within the single available session
220729-22:11:01,691 nipype.workflow INFO:
         [{'dwi_series': ['/home/bdeck8317_gmail_com/10527bids_data/sub-10527/dwi/sub-10527_dwi.nii.gz'], 'fieldmap_info': {'suffix': None}, 'dwi_series_pedir': 'j-', 'concatenated_bids_name': 'sub-10527'}]
220729-22:11:01,745 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
         Creating dwi processing workflow "dwi_preproc_wf" to produce output sub-10527 (1.04 GB / 75 DWIs). Memory resampled/largemem=1.15/1.19 GB.
220729-22:11:01,747 nipype.workflow INFO:
         Automatically using 5, 5, 5 window for dwidenoise
220729-22:11:01,764 nipype.workflow INFO:
         Using 8 threads in eddy
220729-22:11:04,80 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
         Works derived from this qsiprep execution should include the following boilerplate:

Preprocessing was performed using *QSIPrep* 0.16.0RC3,
which is based on *Nipype* 1.8.1
(@nipype1; @nipype2; RRID:SCR_002502).

Anatomical data preprocessing

: The T1-weighted (T1w) image was corrected for intensity non-uniformity (INU)
using `N4BiasFieldCorrection` [@n4, ANTs 2.3.1],
and used as T1w-reference throughout the workflow.
The T1w-reference was then skull-stripped using ``
(ANTs 2.3.1), using OASIS as target template.
Brain surfaces were reconstructed using `recon-all` [FreeSurfer 6.0.1,
RRID:SCR_001847, @fs_reconall], and the brain mask estimated
previously was refined with a custom variation of the method to reconcile
ANTs-derived and FreeSurfer-derived segmentations of the cortical
gray-matter of Mindboggle [RRID:SCR_002438, @mindboggle].
Spatial normalization to the ICBM 152 Nonlinear Asymmetrical
template version 2009c [@mni, RRID:SCR_008796] was performed
through nonlinear registration with `antsRegistration`
[ANTs 2.3.1, RRID:SCR_004757, @ants], using
brain-extracted versions of both T1w volume and template.
Brain tissue segmentation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF),
white-matter (WM) and gray-matter (GM) was performed on
the brain-extracted T1w using `FAST` [FSL, RRID:SCR_002823,

Diffusion data preprocessing

: Any images with a b-value less than 100 s/mm^2 were treated as a *b*=0 image. MP-PCA denoising as implemented in MRtrix3's `dwidenoise`[@dwidenoise1] was applied with a 5-voxel window. After MP-PCA, Gibbs unringing was performed using MRtrix3's `mrdegibbs` [@mrdegibbs]. Following unringing, B1 field inhomogeneity was corrected using `dwibiascorrect` from MRtrix3 with the N4 algorithm [@n4]. After B1 bias correction, the mean intensity of the DWI series was adjusted so all the mean intensity of the b=0 images matched across eachseparate DWI scanning sequence.

FSL (version's eddy was used for head motion correction and Eddy current correction [@anderssoneddy]. Eddy was configured with a $q$-space smoothing factor of 10, a total of 5 iterations, and 1000 voxels used to estimate hyperparameters. A linear first level model and a linear second level model were used to characterize Eddy current-related spatial distortion. $q$-space coordinates were forcefully assigned to shells. Field offset was attempted to be separated from subject movement. Shells were aligned post-eddy. Eddy's outlier replacement was run [@eddyrepol]. Data were grouped by slice, only including values from slices determined to contain at least 250 intracerebral voxels. Groups deviating by more than 4 standard deviations from the prediction had their data replaced with imputed values. Final interpolation was performed using the `jac` method.

Several confounding time-series were calculated based on the
preprocessed DWI: framewise displacement (FD) using the
implementation in *Nipype* [following the definitions by @power_fd_dvars].
The head-motion estimates calculated in the correction step were also
placed within the corresponding confounds file. Slicewise cross correlation
was also calculated.
The DWI time-series were resampled to ACPC,
generating a *preprocessed DWI run in ACPC space* with 1.3mm isotropic voxels.

Many internal operations of *QSIPrep* use
*Nilearn* 0.9.1 [@nilearn, RRID:SCR_001362] and
*Dipy* [@dipy].
For more details of the pipeline, see [the section corresponding
to workflows in *QSIPrep*'s documentation]( "QSIPrep's documentation").

### References

[WARNING] This document format requires a nonempty <title> element.
  Please specify either 'title' or 'pagetitle' in the metadata.
  Falling back to 'CITATION'
Cannot run qsiprep. Missing dependencies:
        mri_label2vol (Interface: Label2Vol)
        mri_label2vol (Interface: Label2Vol)
        mri_convert (Interface: MRIConvert)
        mri_convert (Interface: MRIConvert)
        mris_convert (Interface: MRIsConvert)
        mris_expand (Interface: MakeMidthickness)
        recon-all (Interface: ReconAll)
        recon-all (Interface: ReconAll)
        recon-all (Interface: ReconAll)
        recon-all (Interface: ReconAll)
        recon-all (Interface: ReconAllRPT)

A note, this issue only occurs if the user supplies the --do-reconall flag. Otherwise, Freesurfer is not loaded and QSIprep v 16.0RC3 runs properly.

bdeck8317 commented 2 years ago

duplication of #384, sorry about that!