Pennebaker / craftcms-thearchitect

CraftCMS plugin to generate content models from JSON data.
MIT License
171 stars 9 forks source link

Testing migrations locally: Not sure why this does not work. #47

Closed nilsnh closed 7 years ago

nilsnh commented 7 years ago

What I tried to do:

My attempted migrations file (error is posted after). Key details:

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The error I received:

PHP notice

Undefined property: stdClass::$fieldLayout


1717         }
1718     }
1720     public function addTagFieldLayout($jsonTag)
1721     {
1722         // Construct handle if one wasn't provided
1723         if (!isset($jsonTag->handle)) {
1724             $jsonTag->handle = $this->constructHandle($jsonTag->name);
1725         }
1727         $tagGroup = craft()->tags->getTagGroupByHandle($jsonTag->handle);
1729         $problemFields = $this->checkFieldLayout($jsonTag->fieldLayout);
1730         if ($problemFields !== ['handle' => []]) {
1731             return [false, $problemFields, false];
1732         }
1734         // Parse & Set Field Layout if Provided
1735         if (isset($jsonTag->fieldLayout)) {
1736             $requiredFields = [];
1737             if (isset($jsonTag->requiredFields) && is_array($jsonTag->requiredFields)) {
1738                 foreach ($jsonTag->requiredFields as $requirdField) {
1739                     array_push($requiredFields, $this->getFieldId($requirdField));
1740                 }
1741             }

Stack Trace
 /Users/nilsnh/Workspace-netlife/geodata/geodata-proto/craft/app/etc/web/WebApp.php(687): CApplication->handleError(8, "Undefined property: stdClass::$fieldLayout", "/Users/nilsnh/Workspace-netlife/geodata/geodata-proto/craft/plug...", 1729)

682         if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7', '>=') && $code === 2 && strpos($message, 'should be compatible with') !== false)
683         {
684             return;
685         }
687         parent::handleError($code, $message, $file, $line);
688     }
690     // Private Methods
691     // =========================================================================

 /Users/nilsnh/Workspace-netlife/geodata/geodata-proto/craft/plugins/thearchitect/services/TheArchitectService.php(1729): Craft\WebApp->handleError(8, "Undefined property: stdClass::$fieldLayout", "/Users/nilsnh/Workspace-netlife/geodata/geodata-proto/craft/plug...", 1729, ...)

1724             $jsonTag->handle = $this->constructHandle($jsonTag->name);
1725         }
1727         $tagGroup = craft()->tags->getTagGroupByHandle($jsonTag->handle);
1729         $problemFields = $this->checkFieldLayout($jsonTag->fieldLayout);
1730         if ($problemFields !== ['handle' => []]) {
1731             return [false, $problemFields, false];
1732         }
1734         // Parse & Set Field Layout if Provided

 /Users/nilsnh/Workspace-netlife/geodata/geodata-proto/craft/plugins/thearchitect/services/TheArchitectService.php(577): Craft\TheArchitectService->addTagFieldLayout(stdClass)

573             // Add Tags from JSON
574             if (isset($result->tags)) {
575                 foreach ($result->tags as $id => $tag) {
576                     if (in_array($id, $addedTagGroups)) {
577                         $addTagResult = $this->addTagFieldLayout($tag);
579                         // Append Notice to Display Results
580                         $notice[] = array(
581                             'type' => 'Tag Field Layout',
582                             'name' => $tag->name,
nilsnh commented 7 years ago

Just to reiterate what I tried to do. I wanted to try and copy a matrix block into a different matrix field. :)

spAnser commented 7 years ago

When using migrations. It stores all the field IDs to maintain linking. Matrixes, Matrix Blocks and The fields used inside those blocks all have their own unique IDs if you copy over with migration you would then also have to assign new unused IDs to all of the copied matrix blocks / fields.

The migrations exported json was not intended to be modified.

nilsnh commented 7 years ago

Aha. Yeah, I kinda suspected that master.json was not to be fiddled with. I'll close this as resolved. Thanks for the quick reply. :)