PennyDreadfulMTG / Penny-Dreadful-Tools

A suite of tools for the Penny Dreadful MTGO community
MIT License
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Command failed with TypeError: !pdm archetypes mono green aggro #5161

Closed vorpal-buildbot closed 6 years ago

vorpal-buildbot commented 6 years ago
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 72, in handle_command
    await method(Commands, client=client,, args=args,
  File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 423, in pdm
    await self.resources(self, client, channel, args, author)
TypeError: resources() takes 4 positional arguments but 5 were given

Reported on Discord by bakert#2193

bakert commented 6 years ago

discordpy upgrade issue. Katelyn fixed.