PennyDreadfulMTG / gatherling

Magic: The Gathering tournament runner and tracker for Player Run Events
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late entrant paired without decklist entered #595

Open vorpal-buildbot opened 6 months ago

vorpal-buildbot commented 6 months ago

WiccanRaven in PD Monday 31.09 late entered without entering a decklist but was paired for Round 2

Reported on Discord by @jmeka

bakert commented 3 months ago

This also happened in the PD tournament yesterday (April 4 2024) to mr_squaino.

They late-entered very soon after tournament start with no decklist and were paired for r2.

bakert commented 3 months ago

This happens when you call pairCurrentRound with $skip_invalid as false (which is the default).

This happens in three scenarios:

if (mode_is('End Current League Round')) {
                Standings::updateStandings($event->name, $event->mainid, 1);

At the end of resolveRound:

                if ($structure != 'League' && $this->active === 1) {

and at the end of repairRound.

Do we want to allow invalid entries in any of these cases? The one we are encountering is the middle one. I would quite like to rip out skip_invalid and just always skip invalid decks. But that would break "Start Event (No Deck Check)" which was added recently so I'll find out off @silasary what that is before before proceeding here.

bakert commented 3 months ago

See also lovetapsmtg got paired with a late entry but did not submit a list