PennyDreadfulMTG / modo-bugs

Issue Tracker for Magic Online bugs
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Conundrum Sphinx does not draw card if guessed correctly #1030

Open retterermoore opened 2 years ago

retterermoore commented 2 years ago

Naming the card on top of your library should put that card into your hand.

Instead, the card was put on the bottom of the library. The text log says "Player A selects CARDNAME for Player B", so I bet the game is checking Player B's library even for Player A's choice.


Please provide a list of affected cards Affects: [Conundrum Sphinx]

Card Images

retterermoore commented 2 years ago

This happened with Garruk's Horde in play, so it's possible that having the top card revealed was what broke it. The following turn, with the Horde no longer in play, the correct message appeared (although none of the cards matched, so impossible to tell if the functionality would have worked).