PennyDreadfulMTG / modo-bugs

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Ice Cave requests an incorrect mana amount to counter a spell on the stack #1112

Open supergirl-type00 opened 1 month ago

supergirl-type00 commented 1 month ago

What is the expected behaviour of the card? -Ice Cave requests W to counter Path to Exile

What is the actual behaviour of the card? -the card requests an unusual (unpayable) amount of mana, such as 32WWWBBU1WW2.

So I realized what's happening with ice cave, once it's in play it's tracking every spell played and adding it's cost to the counter ability For example: if the first spell after ice cave cast was path to exile you could counter it with one white mana If the next spell cast was say wrath of God, it would cost 2 white, 2 generic and an additional white from the path of exile to counter Eventually after a few spells are played you get ludicrous counter costs

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Screenshot Currently Unconfirmed.

Please provide a list of affected cards Affects: [Ice Cave]

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supergirl-type00 commented 1 month ago

Possible deletirious interactions:

Damn with Overload Phantom Interference paying 2 to create a token Boromir being cast