PennyDreadfulMTG / modo-bugs

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Volrath's Shapeshifter does not function as intended. #836

Open carmandor opened 4 years ago

carmandor commented 4 years ago

What is the expected behaviour of the card? As long as the top card of your graveyard is a creature card, Volrath's Shapeshifter has the full text of that card and has the text "2: Discard a card." (Volrath's Shapeshifter has that card's name, mana cost, color, types, abilities, power, and toughness.) 2: Discard a card.

What is the actual behaviour of the card? Case 1 : if the top of your graveyard isn't a creature card when you cast shapeshifter. When a creature card is put into top of your gy after shapeshifter has been on the field, there are 2 possible bugs that can occurs

Case 2 : if the top of your GY is a creature card when shapeshifter enter the field, that newly casted shapeshifter will disappear from the game. It's not in the GY, not in exile, nor your hand and library.

Screenshot shapeshifetr

Video Case 1 Case 2

Please provide a list of affected cards Affects: [Volrath's Shapeshifter]

Card Images

Forum Post:
jester-prawn commented 4 years ago

Just confirming the existence of this bug. Volrath's Shapeshifter remains a copy of the creature it is copying when it moves to the graveyard. glitch

jester-prawn commented 4 years ago

The blue Crypt Champion is a Volrath's Shapeshifter

stash86 commented 4 years ago

OK, so this card has 3 bugs on it. Read the first post for detailed explanation

datrobino commented 2 years ago

still bugged, and also apparently taps you islands while they are in your hand image

datrobino commented 2 years ago

update: now has an entirely new set of bugs. Still does not work at all

datrobino commented 2 years ago

now merges with the top card of your graveyard, the game lets you attack with the card in your graveyard, but doesnt do damage.

jmeka commented 2 years ago

New development: Shapeshifter works for at least one attack, then the future attacks do not register. Maybe it thinks it's still an 0/1. Also the attack only registers the one turn it changes and no other turn.

Activated abilities still seem to be fine though. Probably needs further testing, undecided if it will restart games still.

Galon345M commented 1 year ago

Did some testing and currently volrath's shapeshifter seems to be dealing damage but it's not taking damage. I attacked with copied primeval spawn with dimir doppelganger and gained 10 life, it was blocked by a coppied lochmere serpent by volrath's shapeshifter. the primeval took 7 and dealt 10, while the lochemere did 7 but didnt take any damage back. After that copying another primeval spawn with volrath's shapeshifter and sacrificing it the primeval's ability triggers, so abilities work.


also, during second round of testing: when you remove the top creature card that volrath's shapeshifter is copying from the graveyard while it was supposed to be damaged, then it dies, seems to me like damage is not marked on it while its copying something, but when you uncopy it then the damage marks are checked. the bugs marked in the github post seem to be fixed, the game doesn't restart anymore, and the the shapeshifter doesn't die and a copy of the copying creature doesn't go into the graveyard.

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Daybreak has labelled this bug as Confirmed

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Daybreak has labelled this bug as Backlog

vorpal-buildbot commented 1 year ago

Daybreak has labelled this bug as Confirmed

vorpal-buildbot commented 3 months ago

Daybreak has labelled this bug as Fixed

vorpal-buildbot commented 3 months ago

Daybreak has labelled this bug as Confirmed