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Bot error background_task_spoiler_season #51049

Closed vorpal-buildbot closed 4 years ago

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set ptg but it's not in {'10e': 953, '2ed': 1110, '3ed': 1105, '4bb': 1094, '4ed': 1095, '5dn': 998, '5ed': 1078, '6ed': 1057, '7ed': 1031, '8ed': 1006, '9ed': 986, 'a25': 621, 'aer': 670, 'akh': 660, 'ala': 930, 'all': 1087, 'amh1': 571, 'ana': 603, 'apc': 1030, 'arb': 914, 'arc': 882, 'arn': 1107, 'ath': 1061, 'atq': 1106, 'avr': 824, 'bbd': 615, 'bfz': 711, 'bng': 774, 'bok': 988, 'brb': 1048, 'btd': 1038, 'c13': 782, 'c14': 747, 'c15': 706, 'c16': 679, 'c17': 649, 'c18': 599, 'c19': 561, 'ced': 1109, 'cei': 1108, 'chk': 996, 'chr': 1092, 'cm1': 812, 'cm2': 614, 'cma': 658, 'cmd': 851, 'cn2': 686, 'cns': 761, 'con': 918, 'cp1': 753, 'cp2': 730, 'cp3': 716, 'csp': 970, 'cst': 971, 'dd1': 947, 'dd2': 927, 'ddc': 916, 'ddd': 901, 'dde': 888, 'ddf': 875, 'ddg': 856, 'ddh': 843, 'ddi': 829, 'ddj': 816, 'ddk': 801, 'ddl': 788, 'ddm': 770, 'ddn': 751, 'ddo': 728, 'ddp': 714, 'ddq': 698, 'ddr': 685, 'dds': 664, 'ddt': 638, 'ddu': 620, 'dgm': 797, 'dis': 972, 'dka': 830, 'dkm': 1027, 'dom': 617, 'dpa': 884, 'drb': 933, 'drk': 1100, 'dst': 999, 'dtk': 726, 'dvd': 743, 'e01': 656, 'e02': 634, 'eld': 558, 'ema': 693, 'emn': 691, 'eve': 934, 'evg': 741, 'exo': 1067, 'exp': 713, 'f01': 1036, 'f02': 1026, 'f03': 1015, 'f04': 1003, 'f05': 992, 'f06': 980, 'f07': 963, 'f08': 945, 'f09': 926, 'f10': 898, 'f11': 868, 'f12': 837, 'f13': 809, 'f14': 780, 'f15': 736, 'f16': 704, 'f17': 672, 'f18': 629, 'fbb': 1104, 'fem': 1098, 'fnm': 1046, 'frf': 732, 'fut': 956, 'g00': 1045, 'g01': 1035, 'g02': 1025, 'g03': 1016, 'g04': 1001, 'g05': 994, 'g06': 979, 'g07': 965, 'g08': 944, 'g09': 925, 'g10': 897, 'g11': 865, 'g17': 640, 'g18': 588, 'g99': 1060, 'gk1': 590, 'gk2': 578, 'gnt': 589, 'gpt': 974, 'grn': 594, 'gs1': 609, 'gtc': 803, 'gvl': 742, 'h09': 899, 'h17': 645, 'hho': 966, 'hml': 1089, 'hop': 907, 'hou': 653, 'htr': 646, 'htr17': 601, 'ice': 1093, 'ima': 635, 'inv': 1037, 'isd': 841, 'itp': 1080, 'j12': 838, 'j13': 810, 'j14': 779, 'j15': 735, 'j16': 703, 'j17': 673, 'j18': 628, 'j19': 576, 'jgp': 1070, 'jou': 765, 'jud': 1021, 'jvc': 744, 'kld': 682, 'ktk': 750, 'l12': 836, 'l13': 808, 'l14': 778, 'l15': 734, 'l16': 702, 'l17': 671, 'lea': 1112, 'leb': 1111, 'leg': 1103, 'lgn': 1009, 'lrw': 950, 'm10': 911, 'm11': 878, 'm12': 847, 'm13': 819, 'm14': 791, 'm15': 754, 'm19': 607, 'm20': 567, 'mbs': 858, 'md1': 763, 'me1': 951, 'me2': 932, 'me3': 905, 'me4': 861, 'med': 596, 'mgb': 1081, 'mh1': 570, 'mir': 1082, 'mm2': 722, 'mm3': 666, 'mma': 796, 'mmq': 1049, 'mor': 940, 'mp2': 662, 'mpr': 1034, 'mps': 684, 'mrd': 1004, 'nem': 1042, 'nph': 853, 'oarc': 881, 'oc13': 781, 'oc14': 745, 'oc15': 708, 'oc16': 677, 'oc17': 648, 'oc18': 598, 'oc19': 560, 'ocm1': 811, 'ocmd': 849, 'ody': 1028, 'oe01': 655, 'ogw': 701, 'ohop': 906, 'olgc': 867, 'ons': 1017, 'opc2': 822, 'opca': 584, 'ori': 718, 'ovnt': 1013, 'p02': 1068, 'p03': 1014, 'p04': 1002, 'p05': 993, 'p06': 978, 'p07': 964, 'p08': 946, 'p09': 924, 'p10': 896, 'p10e': 954, 'p11': 869, 'p15a': 938, 'p2hg': 983, 'paer': 668, 'pakh': 659, 'pal00': 1044, 'pal01': 1033, 'pal02': 1023, 'pal03': 1012, 'pal04': 1000, 'pal05': 990, 'pal06': 975, 'pal99': 1059, 'palp': 1063, 'pana': 604, 'parc': 883, 'parl': 1085, 'pavr': 827, 'pbbd': 611, 'pbfz': 709, 'pbng': 775, 'pbok': 920, 'pc2': 823, 'pca': 675, 'pcel': 1084, 'pcmd': 850, 'pcmp': 973, 'pcy': 1040, 'pd2': 870, 'pd3': 839, 'pdgm': 799, 'pdka': 832, 'pdom': 616, 'pdp10': 893, 'pdp11': 863, 'pdp12': 835, 'pdp13': 806, 'pdp14': 776, 'pdrc': 1101, 'pdtk': 725, 'pdtp': 922, 'peld': 557, 'pelp': 1043, 'pemn': 689, 'pf19': 583, 'pfrf': 729, 'pg07': 961, 'pg08': 943, 'pgpx': 957, 'pgrn': 593, 'pgru': 1053, 'pgtc': 805, 'pgtw': 981, 'phel': 826, 'phj': 1019, 'phop': 908, 'phou': 652, 'phpr': 1099, 'phuk': 982, 'pi13': 807, 'pi14': 777, 'pidw': 833, 'pisd': 842, 'pjas': 977, 'pjjt': 1011, 'pjou': 768, 'pjse': 991, 'pkld': 681, 'pktk': 748, 'plc': 959, 'plgm': 1096, 'plny': 623, 'plpa': 941, 'pls': 1032, 'pm10': 912, 'pm11': 880, 'pm12': 848, 'pm13': 821, 'pm14': 793, 'pm15': 756, 'pm19': 605, 'pm20': 566, 'pmbs': 860, 'pmei': 1097, 'pmh1': 569, 'pmoa': 1010, 'pmps': 989, 'pmps06': 976, 'pmps07': 962, 'pmps08': 942, 'pmps09': 923, 'pmps10': 895, 'pmps11': 862, 'pnat': 624, 'pnph': 855, 'pogw': 699, 'por': 1077, 'pori': 717, 'ppc1': 757, 'ppod': 1076, 'ppp1': 565, 'ppre': 1072, 'ppro': 958, 'pr2': 1024, 'pred': 1083, 'prel': 1007, 'pres': 960, 'prix': 626, 'prm': 1020, 'prna': 580, 'proe': 885, 'prtr': 814, 'prw2': 577, 'prwk': 595, 'ps11': 866, 'ps14': 758, 'ps15': 720, 'ps16': 680, 'ps17': 651, 'ps18': 602, 'ps19': 563, 'psal': 985, 'psdc': 794, 'psoi': 694, 'psom': 874, 'pss1': 712, 'pss2': 644, 'pss3': 606, 'psum': 952, 'psus': 1047, 'ptc': 1088, 'pths': 787, 'ptk': 1056, 'ptkdf': 724, 'puma': 585, 'purl': 917, 'pust': 637, 'pvan': 1075, 'pwar': 573, 'pwcq': 800, 'pwor': 1052, 'pwos': 1050, 'pwp09': 921, 'pwp10': 894, 'pwp11': 864, 'pwp12': 834, 'pwpn': 931, 'pwwk': 890, 'pxln': 641, 'pxtc': 632, 'pz1': 705, 'pz2': 676, 'pzen': 902, 'rav': 984, 'ren': 1090, 'rin': 1091, 'rix': 627, 'rna': 582, 'roe': 886, 'rqs': 1086, 'rtr': 813, 's00': 1041, 's99': 1054, 'scg': 1008, 'shm': 936, 'soi': 695, 'sok': 987, 'som': 873, 'ss1': 610, 'ss2': 568, 'sth': 1069, 'sum': 1102, 't10e': 955, 'ta25': 622, 'taer': 669, 'takh': 661, 'tala': 929, 'tarb': 913, 'tavr': 825, 'tbbd': 613, 'tbfz': 710, 'tbng': 772, 'tbth': 771, 'tc14': 746, 'tc15': 707, 'tc16': 678, 'tc17': 650, 'tc18': 600, 'tc19': 562, 'tcm2': 612, 'tcma': 657, 'tcn2': 687, 'tcns': 760, 'tcon': 919, 'tcsp': 969, 'td0': 871, 'td2': 852, 'tdag': 764, 'tdd1': 948, 'tdd2': 928, 'tddc': 915, 'tddd': 900, 'tdde': 889, 'tddf': 876, 'tddg': 857, 'tddh': 844, 'tddi': 828, 'tddj': 817, 'tddk': 802, 'tddl': 789, 'tddm': 769, 'tdds': 665, 'tddt': 639, 'tddu': 619, 'tdgm': 798, 'tdka': 831, 'tdom': 618, 'tdtk': 727, 'tdvd': 738, 'te01': 647, 'teld': 559, 'tema': 692, 'temn': 690, 'teve': 935, 'tevg': 740, 'tfrf': 731, 'tfth': 783, 'tgk1': 591, 'tgk2': 579, 'tgrn': 592, 'tgtc': 804, 'tgvl': 739, 'thou': 654, 'thp1': 785, 'thp2': 773, 'thp3': 767, 'ths': 786, 'tima': 631, 'tisd': 840, 'tjou': 766, 'tjvc': 737, 'tkld': 683, 'tktk': 749, 'tlrw': 949, 'tm10': 910, 'tm11': 879, 'tm12': 846, 'tm13': 820, 'tm14': 792, 'tm15': 755, 'tm19': 608, 'tm20': 564, 'tmbs': 859, 'tmd1': 762, 'tmed': 597, 'tmh1': 572, 'tmm2': 721, 'tmm3': 667, 'tmma': 795, 'tmor': 939, 'tmp': 1071, 'tnph': 854, 'togw': 700, 'tor': 1022, 'tori': 719, 'tpca': 674, 'tpr': 723, 'trix': 625, 'trna': 581, 'troe': 887, 'trtr': 815, 'tsb': 968, 'tshm': 937, 'tsoi': 696, 'tsom': 872, 'tsp': 967, 'tths': 784, 'tugl': 1065, 'tuma': 586, 'tust': 636, 'twar': 574, 'twwk': 892, 'txln': 643, 'tzen': 903, 'uds': 1055, 'ugin': 733, 'ugl': 1066, 'ulg': 1058, 'uma': 587, 'unh': 995, 'usg': 1062, 'ust': 630, 'v09': 909, 'v10': 877, 'v11': 845, 'v12': 818, 'v13': 790, 'v14': 752, 'v15': 715, 'v16': 688, 'v17': 633, 'vis': 1079, 'vma': 759, 'w16': 697, 'w17': 663, 'war': 575, 'wc00': 1039, 'wc01': 1029, 'wc02': 1018, 'wc03': 1005, 'wc04': 997, 'wc97': 1073, 'wc98': 1064, 'wc99': 1051, 'wth': 1074, 'wwk': 891, 'xln': 642, 'zen': 904} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': '9ad30de4-8299-4252-99f9-866719ec047d', 'oracle_id': 'd7d46d09-eadf-4e82-8a4e-86ce981a7b0f', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'name': 'Rarity', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-10-22', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': True, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{1}{W}{U}', 'cmc': 3.0, 'type_line': 'Legendary Creature — Unicorn', 'oracle_text': "Rare and mythic rare spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.\n{1}, {T}, Reveal a My Little Pony® toy you own: Until end of turn, another target creature gains protection from each color in that toy's coat, mane, and outfit.", 'power': '2', 'toughness': '2', 'colors': ['U', 'W'], 'color_identity': ['U', 'W'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': True, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'ptg', 'set_name': 'Ponies: The Galloping', 'set_type': 'funny', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '3', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'watermark': 'mlpgems', 'flavor_text': '"I simply cannot allow crimes against fabulosity go uncorrected."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Andrea Radeck', 'artist_ids': ['2560b932-96b5-4308-9d32-298641ef326e'], 'illustration_id': '47703655-5294-4d66-a8f0-25f7f5642912', 'border_color': 'silver', 'frame': '2015', 'frame_effects': ['legendary'], 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set ptg but it's not in {'10e': 953, '2ed': 1110, '3ed': 1105, '4bb': 1094, '4ed': 1095, '5dn': 998, '5ed': 1078, '6ed': 1057, '7ed': 1031, '8ed': 1006, '9ed': 986, 'a25': 621, 'aer': 670, 'akh': 660, 'ala': 930, 'all': 1087, 'amh1': 571, 'ana': 603, 'apc': 1030, 'arb': 914, 'arc': 882, 'arn': 1107, 'ath': 1061, 'atq': 1106, 'avr': 824, 'bbd': 615, 'bfz': 711, 'bng': 774, 'bok': 988, 'brb': 1048, 'btd': 1038, 'c13': 782, 'c14': 747, 'c15': 706, 'c16': 679, 'c17': 649, 'c18': 599, 'c19': 561, 'ced': 1109, 'cei': 1108, 'chk': 996, 'chr': 1092, 'cm1': 812, 'cm2': 614, 'cma': 658, 'cmd': 851, 'cn2': 686, 'cns': 761, 'con': 918, 'cp1': 753, 'cp2': 730, 'cp3': 716, 'csp': 970, 'cst': 971, 'dd1': 947, 'dd2': 927, 'ddc': 916, 'ddd': 901, 'dde': 888, 'ddf': 875, 'ddg': 856, 'ddh': 843, 'ddi': 829, 'ddj': 816, 'ddk': 801, 'ddl': 788, 'ddm': 770, 'ddn': 751, 'ddo': 728, 'ddp': 714, 'ddq': 698, 'ddr': 685, 'dds': 664, 'ddt': 638, 'ddu': 620, 'dgm': 797, 'dis': 972, 'dka': 830, 'dkm': 1027, 'dom': 617, 'dpa': 884, 'drb': 933, 'drk': 1100, 'dst': 999, 'dtk': 726, 'dvd': 743, 'e01': 656, 'e02': 634, 'eld': 558, 'ema': 693, 'emn': 691, 'eve': 934, 'evg': 741, 'exo': 1067, 'exp': 713, 'f01': 1036, 'f02': 1026, 'f03': 1015, 'f04': 1003, 'f05': 992, 'f06': 980, 'f07': 963, 'f08': 945, 'f09': 926, 'f10': 898, 'f11': 868, 'f12': 837, 'f13': 809, 'f14': 780, 'f15': 736, 'f16': 704, 'f17': 672, 'f18': 629, 'fbb': 1104, 'fem': 1098, 'fnm': 1046, 'frf': 732, 'fut': 956, 'g00': 1045, 'g01': 1035, 'g02': 1025, 'g03': 1016, 'g04': 1001, 'g05': 994, 'g06': 979, 'g07': 965, 'g08': 944, 'g09': 925, 'g10': 897, 'g11': 865, 'g17': 640, 'g18': 588, 'g99': 1060, 'gk1': 590, 'gk2': 578, 'gnt': 589, 'gpt': 974, 'grn': 594, 'gs1': 609, 'gtc': 803, 'gvl': 742, 'h09': 899, 'h17': 645, 'hho': 966, 'hml': 1089, 'hop': 907, 'hou': 653, 'htr': 646, 'htr17': 601, 'ice': 1093, 'ima': 635, 'inv': 1037, 'isd': 841, 'itp': 1080, 'j12': 838, 'j13': 810, 'j14': 779, 'j15': 735, 'j16': 703, 'j17': 673, 'j18': 628, 'j19': 576, 'jgp': 1070, 'jou': 765, 'jud': 1021, 'jvc': 744, 'kld': 682, 'ktk': 750, 'l12': 836, 'l13': 808, 'l14': 778, 'l15': 734, 'l16': 702, 'l17': 671, 'lea': 1112, 'leb': 1111, 'leg': 1103, 'lgn': 1009, 'lrw': 950, 'm10': 911, 'm11': 878, 'm12': 847, 'm13': 819, 'm14': 791, 'm15': 754, 'm19': 607, 'm20': 567, 'mbs': 858, 'md1': 763, 'me1': 951, 'me2': 932, 'me3': 905, 'me4': 861, 'med': 596, 'mgb': 1081, 'mh1': 570, 'mir': 1082, 'mm2': 722, 'mm3': 666, 'mma': 796, 'mmq': 1049, 'mor': 940, 'mp2': 662, 'mpr': 1034, 'mps': 684, 'mrd': 1004, 'nem': 1042, 'nph': 853, 'oarc': 881, 'oc13': 781, 'oc14': 745, 'oc15': 708, 'oc16': 677, 'oc17': 648, 'oc18': 598, 'oc19': 560, 'ocm1': 811, 'ocmd': 849, 'ody': 1028, 'oe01': 655, 'ogw': 701, 'ohop': 906, 'olgc': 867, 'ons': 1017, 'opc2': 822, 'opca': 584, 'ori': 718, 'ovnt': 1013, 'p02': 1068, 'p03': 1014, 'p04': 1002, 'p05': 993, 'p06': 978, 'p07': 964, 'p08': 946, 'p09': 924, 'p10': 896, 'p10e': 954, 'p11': 869, 'p15a': 938, 'p2hg': 983, 'paer': 668, 'pakh': 659, 'pal00': 1044, 'pal01': 1033, 'pal02': 1023, 'pal03': 1012, 'pal04': 1000, 'pal05': 990, 'pal06': 975, 'pal99': 1059, 'palp': 1063, 'pana': 604, 'parc': 883, 'parl': 1085, 'pavr': 827, 'pbbd': 611, 'pbfz': 709, 'pbng': 775, 'pbok': 920, 'pc2': 823, 'pca': 675, 'pcel': 1084, 'pcmd': 850, 'pcmp': 973, 'pcy': 1040, 'pd2': 870, 'pd3': 839, 'pdgm': 799, 'pdka': 832, 'pdom': 616, 'pdp10': 893, 'pdp11': 863, 'pdp12': 835, 'pdp13': 806, 'pdp14': 776, 'pdrc': 1101, 'pdtk': 725, 'pdtp': 922, 'peld': 557, 'pelp': 1043, 'pemn': 689, 'pf19': 583, 'pfrf': 729, 'pg07': 961, 'pg08': 943, 'pgpx': 957, 'pgrn': 593, 'pgru': 1053, 'pgtc': 805, 'pgtw': 981, 'phel': 826, 'phj': 1019, 'phop': 908, 'phou': 652, 'phpr': 1099, 'phuk': 982, 'pi13': 807, 'pi14': 777, 'pidw': 833, 'pisd': 842, 'pjas': 977, 'pjjt': 1011, 'pjou': 768, 'pjse': 991, 'pkld': 681, 'pktk': 748, 'plc': 959, 'plgm': 1096, 'plny': 623, 'plpa': 941, 'pls': 1032, 'pm10': 912, 'pm11': 880, 'pm12': 848, 'pm13': 821, 'pm14': 793, 'pm15': 756, 'pm19': 605, 'pm20': 566, 'pmbs': 860, 'pmei': 1097, 'pmh1': 569, 'pmoa': 1010, 'pmps': 989, 'pmps06': 976, 'pmps07': 962, 'pmps08': 942, 'pmps09': 923, 'pmps10': 895, 'pmps11': 862, 'pnat': 624, 'pnph': 855, 'pogw': 699, 'por': 1077, 'pori': 717, 'ppc1': 757, 'ppod': 1076, 'ppp1': 565, 'ppre': 1072, 'ppro': 958, 'pr2': 1024, 'pred': 1083, 'prel': 1007, 'pres': 960, 'prix': 626, 'prm': 1020, 'prna': 580, 'proe': 885, 'prtr': 814, 'prw2': 577, 'prwk': 595, 'ps11': 866, 'ps14': 758, 'ps15': 720, 'ps16': 680, 'ps17': 651, 'ps18': 602, 'ps19': 563, 'psal': 985, 'psdc': 794, 'psoi': 694, 'psom': 874, 'pss1': 712, 'pss2': 644, 'pss3': 606, 'psum': 952, 'psus': 1047, 'ptc': 1088, 'pths': 787, 'ptk': 1056, 'ptkdf': 724, 'puma': 585, 'purl': 917, 'pust': 637, 'pvan': 1075, 'pwar': 573, 'pwcq': 800, 'pwor': 1052, 'pwos': 1050, 'pwp09': 921, 'pwp10': 894, 'pwp11': 864, 'pwp12': 834, 'pwpn': 931, 'pwwk': 890, 'pxln': 641, 'pxtc': 632, 'pz1': 705, 'pz2': 676, 'pzen': 902, 'rav': 984, 'ren': 1090, 'rin': 1091, 'rix': 627, 'rna': 582, 'roe': 886, 'rqs': 1086, 'rtr': 813, 's00': 1041, 's99': 1054, 'scg': 1008, 'shm': 936, 'soi': 695, 'sok': 987, 'som': 873, 'ss1': 610, 'ss2': 568, 'sth': 1069, 'sum': 1102, 't10e': 955, 'ta25': 622, 'taer': 669, 'takh': 661, 'tala': 929, 'tarb': 913, 'tavr': 825, 'tbbd': 613, 'tbfz': 710, 'tbng': 772, 'tbth': 771, 'tc14': 746, 'tc15': 707, 'tc16': 678, 'tc17': 650, 'tc18': 600, 'tc19': 562, 'tcm2': 612, 'tcma': 657, 'tcn2': 687, 'tcns': 760, 'tcon': 919, 'tcsp': 969, 'td0': 871, 'td2': 852, 'tdag': 764, 'tdd1': 948, 'tdd2': 928, 'tddc': 915, 'tddd': 900, 'tdde': 889, 'tddf': 876, 'tddg': 857, 'tddh': 844, 'tddi': 828, 'tddj': 817, 'tddk': 802, 'tddl': 789, 'tddm': 769, 'tdds': 665, 'tddt': 639, 'tddu': 619, 'tdgm': 798, 'tdka': 831, 'tdom': 618, 'tdtk': 727, 'tdvd': 738, 'te01': 647, 'teld': 559, 'tema': 692, 'temn': 690, 'teve': 935, 'tevg': 740, 'tfrf': 731, 'tfth': 783, 'tgk1': 591, 'tgk2': 579, 'tgrn': 592, 'tgtc': 804, 'tgvl': 739, 'thou': 654, 'thp1': 785, 'thp2': 773, 'thp3': 767, 'ths': 786, 'tima': 631, 'tisd': 840, 'tjou': 766, 'tjvc': 737, 'tkld': 683, 'tktk': 749, 'tlrw': 949, 'tm10': 910, 'tm11': 879, 'tm12': 846, 'tm13': 820, 'tm14': 792, 'tm15': 755, 'tm19': 608, 'tm20': 564, 'tmbs': 859, 'tmd1': 762, 'tmed': 597, 'tmh1': 572, 'tmm2': 721, 'tmm3': 667, 'tmma': 795, 'tmor': 939, 'tmp': 1071, 'tnph': 854, 'togw': 700, 'tor': 1022, 'tori': 719, 'tpca': 674, 'tpr': 723, 'trix': 625, 'trna': 581, 'troe': 887, 'trtr': 815, 'tsb': 968, 'tshm': 937, 'tsoi': 696, 'tsom': 872, 'tsp': 967, 'tths': 784, 'tugl': 1065, 'tuma': 586, 'tust': 636, 'twar': 574, 'twwk': 892, 'txln': 643, 'tzen': 903, 'uds': 1055, 'ugin': 733, 'ugl': 1066, 'ulg': 1058, 'uma': 587, 'unh': 995, 'usg': 1062, 'ust': 630, 'v09': 909, 'v10': 877, 'v11': 845, 'v12': 818, 'v13': 790, 'v14': 752, 'v15': 715, 'v16': 688, 'v17': 633, 'vis': 1079, 'vma': 759, 'w16': 697, 'w17': 663, 'war': 575, 'wc00': 1039, 'wc01': 1029, 'wc02': 1018, 'wc03': 1005, 'wc04': 997, 'wc97': 1073, 'wc98': 1064, 'wc99': 1051, 'wth': 1074, 'wwk': 891, 'xln': 642, 'zen': 904} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': '9ad30de4-8299-4252-99f9-866719ec047d', 'oracle_id': 'd7d46d09-eadf-4e82-8a4e-86ce981a7b0f', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'name': 'Rarity', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-10-22', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': True, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{1}{W}{U}', 'cmc': 3.0, 'type_line': 'Legendary Creature — Unicorn', 'oracle_text': "Rare and mythic rare spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.\n{1}, {T}, Reveal a My Little Pony® toy you own: Until end of turn, another target creature gains protection from each color in that toy's coat, mane, and outfit.", 'power': '2', 'toughness': '2', 'colors': ['U', 'W'], 'color_identity': ['U', 'W'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': True, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'ptg', 'set_name': 'Ponies: The Galloping', 'set_type': 'funny', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '3', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'watermark': 'mlpgems', 'flavor_text': '"I simply cannot allow crimes against fabulosity go uncorrected."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Andrea Radeck', 'artist_ids': ['2560b932-96b5-4308-9d32-298641ef326e'], 'illustration_id': '47703655-5294-4d66-a8f0-25f7f5642912', 'border_color': 'silver', 'frame': '2015', 'frame_effects': ['legendary'], 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set ptg but it's not in {'10e': 953, '2ed': 1110, '3ed': 1105, '4bb': 1094, '4ed': 1095, '5dn': 998, '5ed': 1078, '6ed': 1057, '7ed': 1031, '8ed': 1006, '9ed': 986, 'a25': 621, 'aer': 670, 'akh': 660, 'ala': 930, 'all': 1087, 'amh1': 571, 'ana': 603, 'apc': 1030, 'arb': 914, 'arc': 882, 'arn': 1107, 'ath': 1061, 'atq': 1106, 'avr': 824, 'bbd': 615, 'bfz': 711, 'bng': 774, 'bok': 988, 'brb': 1048, 'btd': 1038, 'c13': 782, 'c14': 747, 'c15': 706, 'c16': 679, 'c17': 649, 'c18': 599, 'c19': 561, 'ced': 1109, 'cei': 1108, 'chk': 996, 'chr': 1092, 'cm1': 812, 'cm2': 614, 'cma': 658, 'cmd': 851, 'cn2': 686, 'cns': 761, 'con': 918, 'cp1': 753, 'cp2': 730, 'cp3': 716, 'csp': 970, 'cst': 971, 'dd1': 947, 'dd2': 927, 'ddc': 916, 'ddd': 901, 'dde': 888, 'ddf': 875, 'ddg': 856, 'ddh': 843, 'ddi': 829, 'ddj': 816, 'ddk': 801, 'ddl': 788, 'ddm': 770, 'ddn': 751, 'ddo': 728, 'ddp': 714, 'ddq': 698, 'ddr': 685, 'dds': 664, 'ddt': 638, 'ddu': 620, 'dgm': 797, 'dis': 972, 'dka': 830, 'dkm': 1027, 'dom': 617, 'dpa': 884, 'drb': 933, 'drk': 1100, 'dst': 999, 'dtk': 726, 'dvd': 743, 'e01': 656, 'e02': 634, 'eld': 558, 'ema': 693, 'emn': 691, 'eve': 934, 'evg': 741, 'exo': 1067, 'exp': 713, 'f01': 1036, 'f02': 1026, 'f03': 1015, 'f04': 1003, 'f05': 992, 'f06': 980, 'f07': 963, 'f08': 945, 'f09': 926, 'f10': 898, 'f11': 868, 'f12': 837, 'f13': 809, 'f14': 780, 'f15': 736, 'f16': 704, 'f17': 672, 'f18': 629, 'fbb': 1104, 'fem': 1098, 'fnm': 1046, 'frf': 732, 'fut': 956, 'g00': 1045, 'g01': 1035, 'g02': 1025, 'g03': 1016, 'g04': 1001, 'g05': 994, 'g06': 979, 'g07': 965, 'g08': 944, 'g09': 925, 'g10': 897, 'g11': 865, 'g17': 640, 'g18': 588, 'g99': 1060, 'gk1': 590, 'gk2': 578, 'gnt': 589, 'gpt': 974, 'grn': 594, 'gs1': 609, 'gtc': 803, 'gvl': 742, 'h09': 899, 'h17': 645, 'hho': 966, 'hml': 1089, 'hop': 907, 'hou': 653, 'htr': 646, 'htr17': 601, 'ice': 1093, 'ima': 635, 'inv': 1037, 'isd': 841, 'itp': 1080, 'j12': 838, 'j13': 810, 'j14': 779, 'j15': 735, 'j16': 703, 'j17': 673, 'j18': 628, 'j19': 576, 'jgp': 1070, 'jou': 765, 'jud': 1021, 'jvc': 744, 'kld': 682, 'ktk': 750, 'l12': 836, 'l13': 808, 'l14': 778, 'l15': 734, 'l16': 702, 'l17': 671, 'lea': 1112, 'leb': 1111, 'leg': 1103, 'lgn': 1009, 'lrw': 950, 'm10': 911, 'm11': 878, 'm12': 847, 'm13': 819, 'm14': 791, 'm15': 754, 'm19': 607, 'm20': 567, 'mbs': 858, 'md1': 763, 'me1': 951, 'me2': 932, 'me3': 905, 'me4': 861, 'med': 596, 'mgb': 1081, 'mh1': 570, 'mir': 1082, 'mm2': 722, 'mm3': 666, 'mma': 796, 'mmq': 1049, 'mor': 940, 'mp2': 662, 'mpr': 1034, 'mps': 684, 'mrd': 1004, 'nem': 1042, 'nph': 853, 'oarc': 881, 'oc13': 781, 'oc14': 745, 'oc15': 708, 'oc16': 677, 'oc17': 648, 'oc18': 598, 'oc19': 560, 'ocm1': 811, 'ocmd': 849, 'ody': 1028, 'oe01': 655, 'ogw': 701, 'ohop': 906, 'olgc': 867, 'ons': 1017, 'opc2': 822, 'opca': 584, 'ori': 718, 'ovnt': 1013, 'p02': 1068, 'p03': 1014, 'p04': 1002, 'p05': 993, 'p06': 978, 'p07': 964, 'p08': 946, 'p09': 924, 'p10': 896, 'p10e': 954, 'p11': 869, 'p15a': 938, 'p2hg': 983, 'paer': 668, 'pakh': 659, 'pal00': 1044, 'pal01': 1033, 'pal02': 1023, 'pal03': 1012, 'pal04': 1000, 'pal05': 990, 'pal06': 975, 'pal99': 1059, 'palp': 1063, 'pana': 604, 'parc': 883, 'parl': 1085, 'pavr': 827, 'pbbd': 611, 'pbfz': 709, 'pbng': 775, 'pbok': 920, 'pc2': 823, 'pca': 675, 'pcel': 1084, 'pcmd': 850, 'pcmp': 973, 'pcy': 1040, 'pd2': 870, 'pd3': 839, 'pdgm': 799, 'pdka': 832, 'pdom': 616, 'pdp10': 893, 'pdp11': 863, 'pdp12': 835, 'pdp13': 806, 'pdp14': 776, 'pdrc': 1101, 'pdtk': 725, 'pdtp': 922, 'peld': 557, 'pelp': 1043, 'pemn': 689, 'pf19': 583, 'pfrf': 729, 'pg07': 961, 'pg08': 943, 'pgpx': 957, 'pgrn': 593, 'pgru': 1053, 'pgtc': 805, 'pgtw': 981, 'phel': 826, 'phj': 1019, 'phop': 908, 'phou': 652, 'phpr': 1099, 'phuk': 982, 'pi13': 807, 'pi14': 777, 'pidw': 833, 'pisd': 842, 'pjas': 977, 'pjjt': 1011, 'pjou': 768, 'pjse': 991, 'pkld': 681, 'pktk': 748, 'plc': 959, 'plgm': 1096, 'plny': 623, 'plpa': 941, 'pls': 1032, 'pm10': 912, 'pm11': 880, 'pm12': 848, 'pm13': 821, 'pm14': 793, 'pm15': 756, 'pm19': 605, 'pm20': 566, 'pmbs': 860, 'pmei': 1097, 'pmh1': 569, 'pmoa': 1010, 'pmps': 989, 'pmps06': 976, 'pmps07': 962, 'pmps08': 942, 'pmps09': 923, 'pmps10': 895, 'pmps11': 862, 'pnat': 624, 'pnph': 855, 'pogw': 699, 'por': 1077, 'pori': 717, 'ppc1': 757, 'ppod': 1076, 'ppp1': 565, 'ppre': 1072, 'ppro': 958, 'pr2': 1024, 'pred': 1083, 'prel': 1007, 'pres': 960, 'prix': 626, 'prm': 1020, 'prna': 580, 'proe': 885, 'prtr': 814, 'prw2': 577, 'prwk': 595, 'ps11': 866, 'ps14': 758, 'ps15': 720, 'ps16': 680, 'ps17': 651, 'ps18': 602, 'ps19': 563, 'psal': 985, 'psdc': 794, 'psoi': 694, 'psom': 874, 'pss1': 712, 'pss2': 644, 'pss3': 606, 'psum': 952, 'psus': 1047, 'ptc': 1088, 'pths': 787, 'ptk': 1056, 'ptkdf': 724, 'puma': 585, 'purl': 917, 'pust': 637, 'pvan': 1075, 'pwar': 573, 'pwcq': 800, 'pwor': 1052, 'pwos': 1050, 'pwp09': 921, 'pwp10': 894, 'pwp11': 864, 'pwp12': 834, 'pwpn': 931, 'pwwk': 890, 'pxln': 641, 'pxtc': 632, 'pz1': 705, 'pz2': 676, 'pzen': 902, 'rav': 984, 'ren': 1090, 'rin': 1091, 'rix': 627, 'rna': 582, 'roe': 886, 'rqs': 1086, 'rtr': 813, 's00': 1041, 's99': 1054, 'scg': 1008, 'shm': 936, 'soi': 695, 'sok': 987, 'som': 873, 'ss1': 610, 'ss2': 568, 'sth': 1069, 'sum': 1102, 't10e': 955, 'ta25': 622, 'taer': 669, 'takh': 661, 'tala': 929, 'tarb': 913, 'tavr': 825, 'tbbd': 613, 'tbfz': 710, 'tbng': 772, 'tbth': 771, 'tc14': 746, 'tc15': 707, 'tc16': 678, 'tc17': 650, 'tc18': 600, 'tc19': 562, 'tcm2': 612, 'tcma': 657, 'tcn2': 687, 'tcns': 760, 'tcon': 919, 'tcsp': 969, 'td0': 871, 'td2': 852, 'tdag': 764, 'tdd1': 948, 'tdd2': 928, 'tddc': 915, 'tddd': 900, 'tdde': 889, 'tddf': 876, 'tddg': 857, 'tddh': 844, 'tddi': 828, 'tddj': 817, 'tddk': 802, 'tddl': 789, 'tddm': 769, 'tdds': 665, 'tddt': 639, 'tddu': 619, 'tdgm': 798, 'tdka': 831, 'tdom': 618, 'tdtk': 727, 'tdvd': 738, 'te01': 647, 'teld': 559, 'tema': 692, 'temn': 690, 'teve': 935, 'tevg': 740, 'tfrf': 731, 'tfth': 783, 'tgk1': 591, 'tgk2': 579, 'tgrn': 592, 'tgtc': 804, 'tgvl': 739, 'thou': 654, 'thp1': 785, 'thp2': 773, 'thp3': 767, 'ths': 786, 'tima': 631, 'tisd': 840, 'tjou': 766, 'tjvc': 737, 'tkld': 683, 'tktk': 749, 'tlrw': 949, 'tm10': 910, 'tm11': 879, 'tm12': 846, 'tm13': 820, 'tm14': 792, 'tm15': 755, 'tm19': 608, 'tm20': 564, 'tmbs': 859, 'tmd1': 762, 'tmed': 597, 'tmh1': 572, 'tmm2': 721, 'tmm3': 667, 'tmma': 795, 'tmor': 939, 'tmp': 1071, 'tnph': 854, 'togw': 700, 'tor': 1022, 'tori': 719, 'tpca': 674, 'tpr': 723, 'trix': 625, 'trna': 581, 'troe': 887, 'trtr': 815, 'tsb': 968, 'tshm': 937, 'tsoi': 696, 'tsom': 872, 'tsp': 967, 'tths': 784, 'tugl': 1065, 'tuma': 586, 'tust': 636, 'twar': 574, 'twwk': 892, 'txln': 643, 'tzen': 903, 'uds': 1055, 'ugin': 733, 'ugl': 1066, 'ulg': 1058, 'uma': 587, 'unh': 995, 'usg': 1062, 'ust': 630, 'v09': 909, 'v10': 877, 'v11': 845, 'v12': 818, 'v13': 790, 'v14': 752, 'v15': 715, 'v16': 688, 'v17': 633, 'vis': 1079, 'vma': 759, 'w16': 697, 'w17': 663, 'war': 575, 'wc00': 1039, 'wc01': 1029, 'wc02': 1018, 'wc03': 1005, 'wc04': 997, 'wc97': 1073, 'wc98': 1064, 'wc99': 1051, 'wth': 1074, 'wwk': 891, 'xln': 642, 'zen': 904} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': '9ad30de4-8299-4252-99f9-866719ec047d', 'oracle_id': 'd7d46d09-eadf-4e82-8a4e-86ce981a7b0f', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'name': 'Rarity', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-10-22', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': True, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{1}{W}{U}', 'cmc': 3.0, 'type_line': 'Legendary Creature — Unicorn', 'oracle_text': "Rare and mythic rare spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.\n{1}, {T}, Reveal a My Little Pony® toy you own: Until end of turn, another target creature gains protection from each color in that toy's coat, mane, and outfit.", 'power': '2', 'toughness': '2', 'colors': ['U', 'W'], 'color_identity': ['U', 'W'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': True, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'ptg', 'set_name': 'Ponies: The Galloping', 'set_type': 'funny', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '3', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'watermark': 'mlpgems', 'flavor_text': '"I simply cannot allow crimes against fabulosity go uncorrected."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Andrea Radeck', 'artist_ids': ['2560b932-96b5-4308-9d32-298641ef326e'], 'illustration_id': '47703655-5294-4d66-a8f0-25f7f5642912', 'border_color': 'silver', 'frame': '2015', 'frame_effects': ['legendary'], 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set ptg but it's not in {'10e': 953, '2ed': 1110, '3ed': 1105, '4bb': 1094, '4ed': 1095, '5dn': 998, '5ed': 1078, '6ed': 1057, '7ed': 1031, '8ed': 1006, '9ed': 986, 'a25': 621, 'aer': 670, 'akh': 660, 'ala': 930, 'all': 1087, 'amh1': 571, 'ana': 603, 'apc': 1030, 'arb': 914, 'arc': 882, 'arn': 1107, 'ath': 1061, 'atq': 1106, 'avr': 824, 'bbd': 615, 'bfz': 711, 'bng': 774, 'bok': 988, 'brb': 1048, 'btd': 1038, 'c13': 782, 'c14': 747, 'c15': 706, 'c16': 679, 'c17': 649, 'c18': 599, 'c19': 561, 'ced': 1109, 'cei': 1108, 'chk': 996, 'chr': 1092, 'cm1': 812, 'cm2': 614, 'cma': 658, 'cmd': 851, 'cn2': 686, 'cns': 761, 'con': 918, 'cp1': 753, 'cp2': 730, 'cp3': 716, 'csp': 970, 'cst': 971, 'dd1': 947, 'dd2': 927, 'ddc': 916, 'ddd': 901, 'dde': 888, 'ddf': 875, 'ddg': 856, 'ddh': 843, 'ddi': 829, 'ddj': 816, 'ddk': 801, 'ddl': 788, 'ddm': 770, 'ddn': 751, 'ddo': 728, 'ddp': 714, 'ddq': 698, 'ddr': 685, 'dds': 664, 'ddt': 638, 'ddu': 620, 'dgm': 797, 'dis': 972, 'dka': 830, 'dkm': 1027, 'dom': 617, 'dpa': 884, 'drb': 933, 'drk': 1100, 'dst': 999, 'dtk': 726, 'dvd': 743, 'e01': 656, 'e02': 634, 'eld': 558, 'ema': 693, 'emn': 691, 'eve': 934, 'evg': 741, 'exo': 1067, 'exp': 713, 'f01': 1036, 'f02': 1026, 'f03': 1015, 'f04': 1003, 'f05': 992, 'f06': 980, 'f07': 963, 'f08': 945, 'f09': 926, 'f10': 898, 'f11': 868, 'f12': 837, 'f13': 809, 'f14': 780, 'f15': 736, 'f16': 704, 'f17': 672, 'f18': 629, 'fbb': 1104, 'fem': 1098, 'fnm': 1046, 'frf': 732, 'fut': 956, 'g00': 1045, 'g01': 1035, 'g02': 1025, 'g03': 1016, 'g04': 1001, 'g05': 994, 'g06': 979, 'g07': 965, 'g08': 944, 'g09': 925, 'g10': 897, 'g11': 865, 'g17': 640, 'g18': 588, 'g99': 1060, 'gk1': 590, 'gk2': 578, 'gnt': 589, 'gpt': 974, 'grn': 594, 'gs1': 609, 'gtc': 803, 'gvl': 742, 'h09': 899, 'h17': 645, 'hho': 966, 'hml': 1089, 'hop': 907, 'hou': 653, 'htr': 646, 'htr17': 601, 'ice': 1093, 'ima': 635, 'inv': 1037, 'isd': 841, 'itp': 1080, 'j12': 838, 'j13': 810, 'j14': 779, 'j15': 735, 'j16': 703, 'j17': 673, 'j18': 628, 'j19': 576, 'jgp': 1070, 'jou': 765, 'jud': 1021, 'jvc': 744, 'kld': 682, 'ktk': 750, 'l12': 836, 'l13': 808, 'l14': 778, 'l15': 734, 'l16': 702, 'l17': 671, 'lea': 1112, 'leb': 1111, 'leg': 1103, 'lgn': 1009, 'lrw': 950, 'm10': 911, 'm11': 878, 'm12': 847, 'm13': 819, 'm14': 791, 'm15': 754, 'm19': 607, 'm20': 567, 'mbs': 858, 'md1': 763, 'me1': 951, 'me2': 932, 'me3': 905, 'me4': 861, 'med': 596, 'mgb': 1081, 'mh1': 570, 'mir': 1082, 'mm2': 722, 'mm3': 666, 'mma': 796, 'mmq': 1049, 'mor': 940, 'mp2': 662, 'mpr': 1034, 'mps': 684, 'mrd': 1004, 'nem': 1042, 'nph': 853, 'oarc': 881, 'oc13': 781, 'oc14': 745, 'oc15': 708, 'oc16': 677, 'oc17': 648, 'oc18': 598, 'oc19': 560, 'ocm1': 811, 'ocmd': 849, 'ody': 1028, 'oe01': 655, 'ogw': 701, 'ohop': 906, 'olgc': 867, 'ons': 1017, 'opc2': 822, 'opca': 584, 'ori': 718, 'ovnt': 1013, 'p02': 1068, 'p03': 1014, 'p04': 1002, 'p05': 993, 'p06': 978, 'p07': 964, 'p08': 946, 'p09': 924, 'p10': 896, 'p10e': 954, 'p11': 869, 'p15a': 938, 'p2hg': 983, 'paer': 668, 'pakh': 659, 'pal00': 1044, 'pal01': 1033, 'pal02': 1023, 'pal03': 1012, 'pal04': 1000, 'pal05': 990, 'pal06': 975, 'pal99': 1059, 'palp': 1063, 'pana': 604, 'parc': 883, 'parl': 1085, 'pavr': 827, 'pbbd': 611, 'pbfz': 709, 'pbng': 775, 'pbok': 920, 'pc2': 823, 'pca': 675, 'pcel': 1084, 'pcmd': 850, 'pcmp': 973, 'pcy': 1040, 'pd2': 870, 'pd3': 839, 'pdgm': 799, 'pdka': 832, 'pdom': 616, 'pdp10': 893, 'pdp11': 863, 'pdp12': 835, 'pdp13': 806, 'pdp14': 776, 'pdrc': 1101, 'pdtk': 725, 'pdtp': 922, 'peld': 557, 'pelp': 1043, 'pemn': 689, 'pf19': 583, 'pfrf': 729, 'pg07': 961, 'pg08': 943, 'pgpx': 957, 'pgrn': 593, 'pgru': 1053, 'pgtc': 805, 'pgtw': 981, 'phel': 826, 'phj': 1019, 'phop': 908, 'phou': 652, 'phpr': 1099, 'phuk': 982, 'pi13': 807, 'pi14': 777, 'pidw': 833, 'pisd': 842, 'pjas': 977, 'pjjt': 1011, 'pjou': 768, 'pjse': 991, 'pkld': 681, 'pktk': 748, 'plc': 959, 'plgm': 1096, 'plny': 623, 'plpa': 941, 'pls': 1032, 'pm10': 912, 'pm11': 880, 'pm12': 848, 'pm13': 821, 'pm14': 793, 'pm15': 756, 'pm19': 605, 'pm20': 566, 'pmbs': 860, 'pmei': 1097, 'pmh1': 569, 'pmoa': 1010, 'pmps': 989, 'pmps06': 976, 'pmps07': 962, 'pmps08': 942, 'pmps09': 923, 'pmps10': 895, 'pmps11': 862, 'pnat': 624, 'pnph': 855, 'pogw': 699, 'por': 1077, 'pori': 717, 'ppc1': 757, 'ppod': 1076, 'ppp1': 565, 'ppre': 1072, 'ppro': 958, 'pr2': 1024, 'pred': 1083, 'prel': 1007, 'pres': 960, 'prix': 626, 'prm': 1020, 'prna': 580, 'proe': 885, 'prtr': 814, 'prw2': 577, 'prwk': 595, 'ps11': 866, 'ps14': 758, 'ps15': 720, 'ps16': 680, 'ps17': 651, 'ps18': 602, 'ps19': 563, 'psal': 985, 'psdc': 794, 'psoi': 694, 'psom': 874, 'pss1': 712, 'pss2': 644, 'pss3': 606, 'psum': 952, 'psus': 1047, 'ptc': 1088, 'pths': 787, 'ptk': 1056, 'ptkdf': 724, 'puma': 585, 'purl': 917, 'pust': 637, 'pvan': 1075, 'pwar': 573, 'pwcq': 800, 'pwor': 1052, 'pwos': 1050, 'pwp09': 921, 'pwp10': 894, 'pwp11': 864, 'pwp12': 834, 'pwpn': 931, 'pwwk': 890, 'pxln': 641, 'pxtc': 632, 'pz1': 705, 'pz2': 676, 'pzen': 902, 'rav': 984, 'ren': 1090, 'rin': 1091, 'rix': 627, 'rna': 582, 'roe': 886, 'rqs': 1086, 'rtr': 813, 's00': 1041, 's99': 1054, 'scg': 1008, 'shm': 936, 'soi': 695, 'sok': 987, 'som': 873, 'ss1': 610, 'ss2': 568, 'sth': 1069, 'sum': 1102, 't10e': 955, 'ta25': 622, 'taer': 669, 'takh': 661, 'tala': 929, 'tarb': 913, 'tavr': 825, 'tbbd': 613, 'tbfz': 710, 'tbng': 772, 'tbth': 771, 'tc14': 746, 'tc15': 707, 'tc16': 678, 'tc17': 650, 'tc18': 600, 'tc19': 562, 'tcm2': 612, 'tcma': 657, 'tcn2': 687, 'tcns': 760, 'tcon': 919, 'tcsp': 969, 'td0': 871, 'td2': 852, 'tdag': 764, 'tdd1': 948, 'tdd2': 928, 'tddc': 915, 'tddd': 900, 'tdde': 889, 'tddf': 876, 'tddg': 857, 'tddh': 844, 'tddi': 828, 'tddj': 817, 'tddk': 802, 'tddl': 789, 'tddm': 769, 'tdds': 665, 'tddt': 639, 'tddu': 619, 'tdgm': 798, 'tdka': 831, 'tdom': 618, 'tdtk': 727, 'tdvd': 738, 'te01': 647, 'teld': 559, 'tema': 692, 'temn': 690, 'teve': 935, 'tevg': 740, 'tfrf': 731, 'tfth': 783, 'tgk1': 591, 'tgk2': 579, 'tgrn': 592, 'tgtc': 804, 'tgvl': 739, 'thou': 654, 'thp1': 785, 'thp2': 773, 'thp3': 767, 'ths': 786, 'tima': 631, 'tisd': 840, 'tjou': 766, 'tjvc': 737, 'tkld': 683, 'tktk': 749, 'tlrw': 949, 'tm10': 910, 'tm11': 879, 'tm12': 846, 'tm13': 820, 'tm14': 792, 'tm15': 755, 'tm19': 608, 'tm20': 564, 'tmbs': 859, 'tmd1': 762, 'tmed': 597, 'tmh1': 572, 'tmm2': 721, 'tmm3': 667, 'tmma': 795, 'tmor': 939, 'tmp': 1071, 'tnph': 854, 'togw': 700, 'tor': 1022, 'tori': 719, 'tpca': 674, 'tpr': 723, 'trix': 625, 'trna': 581, 'troe': 887, 'trtr': 815, 'tsb': 968, 'tshm': 937, 'tsoi': 696, 'tsom': 872, 'tsp': 967, 'tths': 784, 'tugl': 1065, 'tuma': 586, 'tust': 636, 'twar': 574, 'twwk': 892, 'txln': 643, 'tzen': 903, 'uds': 1055, 'ugin': 733, 'ugl': 1066, 'ulg': 1058, 'uma': 587, 'unh': 995, 'usg': 1062, 'ust': 630, 'v09': 909, 'v10': 877, 'v11': 845, 'v12': 818, 'v13': 790, 'v14': 752, 'v15': 715, 'v16': 688, 'v17': 633, 'vis': 1079, 'vma': 759, 'w16': 697, 'w17': 663, 'war': 575, 'wc00': 1039, 'wc01': 1029, 'wc02': 1018, 'wc03': 1005, 'wc04': 997, 'wc97': 1073, 'wc98': 1064, 'wc99': 1051, 'wth': 1074, 'wwk': 891, 'xln': 642, 'zen': 904} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': '9ad30de4-8299-4252-99f9-866719ec047d', 'oracle_id': 'd7d46d09-eadf-4e82-8a4e-86ce981a7b0f', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'name': 'Rarity', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-10-22', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': True, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{1}{W}{U}', 'cmc': 3.0, 'type_line': 'Legendary Creature — Unicorn', 'oracle_text': "Rare and mythic rare spells you cast cost {1} less to cast.\n{1}, {T}, Reveal a My Little Pony® toy you own: Until end of turn, another target creature gains protection from each color in that toy's coat, mane, and outfit.", 'power': '2', 'toughness': '2', 'colors': ['U', 'W'], 'color_identity': ['U', 'W'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': True, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'ptg', 'set_name': 'Ponies: The Galloping', 'set_type': 'funny', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '3', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'watermark': 'mlpgems', 'flavor_text': '"I simply cannot allow crimes against fabulosity go uncorrected."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Andrea Radeck', 'artist_ids': ['2560b932-96b5-4308-9d32-298641ef326e'], 'illustration_id': '47703655-5294-4d66-a8f0-25f7f5642912', 'border_color': 'silver', 'frame': '2015', 'frame_effects': ['legendary'], 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': None, 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 1574, 'opc2': 1379, 'opca': 1141, 'ori': 1276, 'ovnt': 1572, 'p02': 1625, 'p03': 1570, 'p04': 1558, 'p05': 1549, 'p06': 1537, 'p07': 1521, 'p08': 1502, 'p09': 1481, 'p10': 1455, 'p10e': 1511, 'p11': 1423, 'p15a': 1495, 'p2hg': 1540, 'paer': 1225, 'pakh': 1216, 'pal00': 1601, 'pal01': 1590, 'pal02': 1580, 'pal03': 1569, 'pal04': 1557, 'pal05': 1546, 'pal06': 1532, 'pal99': 1616, 'palp': 1620, 'pana': 1161, 'parc': 1440, 'parl': 1642, 'pavr': 1384, 'pbbd': 1168, 'pbfz': 1266, 'pbng': 1332, 'pbok': 1477, 'pc2': 1380, 'pca': 1231, 'pcel': 1641, 'pcmd': 1408, 'pcmp': 1530, 'pcy': 1597, 'pd2': 1427, 'pd3': 1396, 'pdgm': 1356, 'pdka': 1389, 'pdom': 1173, 'pdp10': 1450, 'pdp11': 1420, 'pdp12': 1392, 'pdp13': 1363, 'pdp14': 1333, 'pdrc': 1658, 'pdtk': 1282, 'pdtp': 1479, 'peld': 1114, 'pelp': 1600, 'pemn': 1246, 'pf19': 1140, 'pfrf': 1286, 'pg07': 1518, 'pg08': 1500, 'pgpx': 1514, 'pgrn': 1150, 'pgru': 1610, 'pgtc': 1362, 'pgtw': 1536, 'phel': 1383, 'phj': 1576, 'phop': 1465, 'phou': 1209, 'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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'phpr': 1656, 'phuk': 1538, 'pi13': 1364, 'pi14': 1334, 'pidw': 1390, 'pisd': 1399, 'pjas': 1534, 'pjjt': 1568, 'pjou': 1325, 'pjse': 1548, 'pkld': 1238, 'pktk': 1305, 'plc': 1516, 'plgm': 1654, 'plny': 1180, 'plpa': 1496, 'pls': 1589, 'pm10': 1469, 'pm11': 1437, 'pm12': 1405, 'pm13': 1378, 'pm14': 1350, 'pm15': 1313, 'pm19': 1162, 'pm20': 1121, 'pmbs': 1417, 'pmei': 1653, 'pmh1': 1126, 'pmoa': 1567, 'pmps': 1547, 'pmps06': 1533, 'pmps07': 1519, 'pmps08': 1499, 'pmps09': 1480, 'pmps10': 1452, 'pmps11': 1419, 'pnat': 1181, 'pnph': 1412, 'pogw': 1256, 'por': 1634, 'pori': 1274, 'ppc1': 1314, 'ppod': 1633, 'ppp1': 1122, 'ppre': 1629, 'ppro': 1515, 'pr2': 1582, 'pred': 1640, 'prel': 1564, 'pres': 1517, 'prix': 1182, 'prm': 1577, 'prna': 1137, 'proe': 1442, 'prtr': 1371, 'prw2': 1134, 'prwk': 1151, 'ps11': 1425, 'ps14': 1315, 'ps15': 1277, 'ps16': 1237, 'ps17': 1208, 'ps18': 1159, 'ps19': 1120, 'psal': 1542, 'psdc': 1351, 'psoi': 1251, 'psom': 1431, 'pss1': 1269, 'pss2': 1201, 'pss3': 1163, 'psum': 1509, 'psus': 1604, 'ptc': 1645, 'ptg': 1113, 'pths': 1344, 'ptk': 1613, 'ptkdf': 1281, 'puma': 1142, 'purl': 1474, 'pust': 1194, 'pvan': 1632, 'pwar': 1130, 'pwcq': 1357, 'pwor': 1609, 'pwos': 1607, 'pwp09': 1478, 'pwp10': 1451, 'pwp11': 1421, 'pwp12': 1391, 'pwpn': 1488, 'pwwk': 1447, 'pxln': 1198, 'pxtc': 1189, 'pz1': 1262, 'pz2': 1233, 'pzen': 1459, 'rav': 1541, 'ren': 1647, 'rin': 1648, 'rix': 1184, 'rna': 1139, 'roe': 1443, 'rqs': 1643, 'rtr': 1370, 's00': 1598, 's99': 1611, 'scg': 1565, 'shm': 1493, 'soi': 1252, 'sok': 1544, 'som': 1429, 'ss1': 1167, 'ss2': 1125, 'sth': 1626, 'sum': 1659, 't10e': 1512, 'ta25': 1179, 'taer': 1226, 'takh': 1218, 'tala': 1486, 'tarb': 1470, 'tavr': 1382, 'tbbd': 1169, 'tbfz': 1268, 'tbng': 1329, 'tbth': 1328, 'tc14': 1304, 'tc15': 1264, 'tc16': 1236, 'tc17': 1206, 'tc18': 1156, 'tc19': 1119, 'tcm2': 1170, 'tcma': 1214, 'tcn2': 1244, 'tcns': 1318, 'tcon': 1476, 'tcsp': 1526, 'td0': 1428, 'td2': 1409, 'tdag': 1321, 'tdd1': 1505, 'tdd2': 1485, 'tddc': 1472, 'tddd': 1457, 'tdde': 1446, 'tddf': 1433, 'tddg': 1414, 'tddh': 1401, 'tddi': 1386, 'tddj': 1374, 'tddk': 1359, 'tddl': 1346, 'tddm': 1326, 'tdds': 1222, 'tddt': 1196, 'tddu': 1176, 'tdgm': 1355, 'tdka': 1388, 'tdom': 1174, 'tdtk': 1284, 'tdvd': 1295, 'te01': 1204, 'teld': 1116, 'tema': 1249, 'temn': 1247, 'teve': 1491, 'tevg': 1300, 'tfrf': 1288, 'tfth': 1340, 'tgk1': 1148, 'tgk2': 1136, 'tgrn': 1149, 'tgtc': 1361, 'tgvl': 1296, 'thou': 1211, 'thp1': 1342, 'thp2': 1331, 'thp3': 1324, 'ths': 1343, 'tima': 1188, 'tisd': 1397, 'tjou': 1322, 'tjvc': 1294, 'tkld': 1240, 'tktk': 1306, 'tlrw': 1507, 'tm10': 1467, 'tm11': 1435, 'tm12': 1403, 'tm13': 1376, 'tm14': 1348, 'tm15': 1311, 'tm19': 1165, 'tm20': 1123, 'tmbs': 1415, 'tmd1': 1319, 'tmed': 1153, 'tmh1': 1129, 'tmm2': 1279, 'tmm3': 1223, 'tmma': 1353, 'tmor': 1497, 'tmp': 1628, 'tnph': 1410, 'togw': 1257, 'tor': 1579, 'tori': 1275, 'tpca': 1232, 'tpr': 1280, 'trix': 1183, 'trna': 1138, 'troe': 1444, 'trtr': 1372, 'tsb': 1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException

vorpal-buildbot commented 5 years ago

Bot error background_task_spoiler_season

() {} []

Reported on discordbot by discord user

InvalidDataException We think we should have set gn2 but it's not in {'10e': 1510, '2ed': 1667, '3ed': 1661, '4bb': 1651, '4ed': 1652, '5dn': 1555, '5ed': 1635, '6ed': 1614, '7ed': 1588, '8ed': 1563, '9ed': 1543, 'a25': 1178, 'aer': 1227, 'akh': 1217, 'ala': 1487, 'all': 1644, 'amh1': 1128, 'ana': 1160, 'apc': 1587, 'arb': 1471, 'arc': 1439, 'arn': 1664, 'ath': 1618, 'atq': 1663, 'avr': 1381, 'bbd': 1171, 'bfz': 1267, 'bng': 1330, 'bok': 1545, 'brb': 1605, 'btd': 1595, 'c13': 1339, 'c14': 1303, 'c15': 1263, 'c16': 1235, 'c17': 1207, 'c18': 1157, 'c19': 1118, 'ced': 1666, 'cei': 1665, 'chk': 1553, 'chr': 1649, 'cm1': 1369, 'cm2': 1172, 'cma': 1215, 'cmd': 1407, 'cn2': 1243, 'cns': 1317, 'con': 1475, 'cp1': 1310, 'cp2': 1287, 'cp3': 1273, 'csp': 1528, 'cst': 1527, 'dd1': 1504, 'dd2': 1484, 'ddc': 1473, 'ddd': 1458, 'dde': 1445, 'ddf': 1432, 'ddg': 1413, 'ddh': 1400, 'ddi': 1385, 'ddj': 1373, 'ddk': 1358, 'ddl': 1345, 'ddm': 1327, 'ddn': 1308, 'ddo': 1285, 'ddp': 1271, 'ddq': 1255, 'ddr': 1242, 'dds': 1221, 'ddt': 1195, 'ddu': 1177, 'dgm': 1354, 'dis': 1529, 'dka': 1387, 'dkm': 1584, 'dom': 1175, 'dpa': 1441, 'drb': 1490, 'drk': 1657, 'dst': 1556, 'dtk': 1283, 'dvd': 1299, 'e01': 1213, 'e02': 1191, 'eld': 1115, 'ema': 1250, 'emn': 1248, 'eve': 1492, 'evg': 1297, 'exo': 1624, 'exp': 1270, 'f01': 1592, 'f02': 1583, 'f03': 1573, 'f04': 1560, 'f05': 1551, 'f06': 1539, 'f07': 1520, 'f08': 1501, 'f09': 1483, 'f10': 1454, 'f11': 1424, 'f12': 1394, 'f13': 1367, 'f14': 1337, 'f15': 1293, 'f16': 1260, 'f17': 1230, 'f18': 1186, 'fbb': 1662, 'fem': 1655, 'fnm': 1602, 'frf': 1289, 'fut': 1513, 'g00': 1603, 'g01': 1591, 'g02': 1581, 'g03': 1571, 'g04': 1559, 'g05': 1550, 'g06': 1535, 'g07': 1522, 'g08': 1503, 'g09': 1482, 'g10': 1453, 'g11': 1422, 'g17': 1197, 'g18': 1145, 'g99': 1617, 'gk1': 1147, 'gk2': 1135, 'gnt': 1146, 'gpt': 1531, 'grn': 1152, 'gs1': 1166, 'gtc': 1360, 'gvl': 1298, 'h09': 1456, 'h17': 1202, 'hho': 1523, 'hml': 1646, 'hop': 1464, 'hou': 1210, 'htr': 1203, 'htr17': 1158, 'ice': 1650, 'ima': 1192, 'inv': 1594, 'isd': 1398, 'itp': 1637, 'j12': 1395, 'j13': 1366, 'j14': 1336, 'j15': 1292, 'j16': 1261, 'j17': 1229, 'j18': 1185, 'j19': 1133, 'jgp': 1627, 'jou': 1323, 'jud': 1578, 'jvc': 1301, 'kld': 1239, 'ktk': 1307, 'l12': 1393, 'l13': 1365, 'l14': 1335, 'l15': 1291, 'l16': 1259, 'l17': 1228, 'lea': 1669, 'leb': 1668, 'leg': 1660, 'lgn': 1566, 'lrw': 1506, 'm10': 1468, 'm11': 1436, 'm12': 1404, 'm13': 1377, 'm14': 1349, 'm15': 1312, 'm19': 1164, 'm20': 1124, 'mbs': 1416, 'md1': 1320, 'me1': 1508, 'me2': 1489, 'me3': 1462, 'me4': 1418, 'med': 1154, 'mgb': 1638, 'mh1': 1127, 'mir': 1639, 'mm2': 1278, 'mm3': 1224, 'mma': 1352, 'mmq': 1606, 'mor': 1498, 'mp2': 1219, 'mpr': 1593, 'mps': 1241, 'mrd': 1561, 'nem': 1599, 'nph': 1411, 'oarc': 1438, 'oc13': 1338, 'oc14': 1302, 'oc15': 1265, 'oc16': 1234, 'oc17': 1205, 'oc18': 1155, 'oc19': 1117, 'ocm1': 1368, 'ocmd': 1406, 'ody': 1585, 'oe01': 1212, 'ogw': 1258, 'ohop': 1463, 'olgc': 1426, 'ons': 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1525, 'tshm': 1494, 'tsoi': 1253, 'tsom': 1430, 'tsp': 1524, 'tths': 1341, 'tugl': 1622, 'tuma': 1143, 'tust': 1193, 'twar': 1131, 'twwk': 1448, 'txln': 1200, 'tzen': 1461, 'uds': 1612, 'ugin': 1290, 'ugl': 1623, 'ulg': 1615, 'uma': 1144, 'unh': 1552, 'usg': 1619, 'ust': 1187, 'v09': 1466, 'v10': 1434, 'v11': 1402, 'v12': 1375, 'v13': 1347, 'v14': 1309, 'v15': 1272, 'v16': 1245, 'v17': 1190, 'vis': 1636, 'vma': 1316, 'w16': 1254, 'w17': 1220, 'war': 1132, 'wc00': 1596, 'wc01': 1586, 'wc02': 1575, 'wc03': 1562, 'wc04': 1554, 'wc97': 1630, 'wc98': 1621, 'wc99': 1608, 'wth': 1631, 'wwk': 1449, 'xln': 1199, 'zen': 1460} (from {'object': 'card', 'id': 'dbcdbf7a-9294-47ad-9f93-c16b78c7463a', 'oracle_id': 'cd6250ae-9079-4a62-8a70-0d94fbac21bc', 'multiverse_ids': [], 'tcgplayer_id': 200607, 'name': 'Earthshaker Giant', 'lang': 'en', 'released_at': '2019-11-15', 'uri': '', 'scryfall_uri': '', 'layout': 'normal', 'highres_image': False, 'image_uris': {'small': '', 'normal': '', 'large': '', 'png': '', 'art_crop': '', 'border_crop': ''}, 'mana_cost': '{4}{G}{G}', 'cmc': 6.0, 'type_line': 'Creature — Giant Druid', 'oracle_text': 'Trample\nWhen Earthshaker Giant enters the battlefield, other creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.', 'power': '6', 'toughness': '6', 'colors': ['G'], 'color_identity': ['G'], 'legalities': {'standard': 'not_legal', 'future': 'not_legal', 'historic': 'not_legal', 'modern': 'not_legal', 'legacy': 'not_legal', 'pauper': 'not_legal', 'vintage': 'not_legal', 'penny': 'not_legal', 'commander': 'not_legal', 'brawl': 'not_legal', 'duel': 'not_legal', 'oldschool': 'not_legal'}, 'games': ['paper'], 'reserved': False, 'foil': True, 'nonfoil': False, 'oversized': False, 'promo': False, 'reprint': False, 'variation': False, 'set': 'gn2', 'set_name': 'Game Night 2019', 'set_type': 'box', 'set_uri': '', 'set_search_uri': '', 'scryfall_set_uri': '', 'rulings_uri': '', 'prints_search_uri': '', 'collector_number': '5', 'digital': False, 'rarity': 'mythic', 'flavor_text': '"Come, my wild children. Let\'s give the interlopers a woodland welcome."', 'card_back_id': '0aeebaf5-8c7d-4636-9e82-8c27447861f7', 'artist': 'Milivoj Ćeran', 'artist_ids': ['1eced451-4da5-42bc-b49d-70c41246581f'], 'illustration_id': 'fe97c475-ef9a-41b2-872b-2469ac9f48d7', 'border_color': 'black', 'frame': '2015', 'full_art': False, 'textless': False, 'booster': False, 'story_spotlight': False, 'prices': {'usd': None, 'usd_foil': '12.00', 'eur': None, 'tix': None}, 'related_uris': {'tcgplayer_decks': '', 'edhrec': '', 'mtgtop8': ''}, 'purchase_uris': {'tcgplayer': '', 'cardmarket': '', 'cardhoarder': ''}}) Stack Trace: ```Python traceback File "", line 126, in run() File "", line 18, in run bot.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 321, in init client.init() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 51, in init'token')) File "/home/discord/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/discord/", line 589, in run loop.run_forever() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 422, in run_forever self._run_once() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 1432, in _run_once handle._run() File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/", line 145, in _run self._callback(*self._args) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 240, in background_task_tournaments await self.background_task_spoiler_season() File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 32, in wrapper await func(self) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/discordbot/", line 194, in background_task_spoiler_season oracle.add_cards_and_update(cards_not_currently_in_db) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 163, in add_cards_and_update multiverse.insert_cards(printings) File "/home/discord/Penny-Dreadful-Discord-Bot/magic/", line 216, in insert_cards raise InvalidDataException(f"We think we should have set {p['set']} but it's not in {sets} (from {p})") ```

Exception_hash: a0d05be643aed5624f68c2a6efc3241ac66dd99b

Labels: discordbot; InvalidDataException