The advantage of parametrized circuits is that Qiskit only needs to compile it once, and then can re-use the same parametrized circuit for different parameter values. This can lead to a significant speedup when working with variational quantum circuits.
Once XanaduAI/PennyLane#221 is implemented in core PennyLane, the plugin will be able to access the dictionary mapping parameters to operations. The Qiskit plugin will then be able to construct a parametrized circuit, and simply reuse this circuit for different parameter values (until the QNode requests a different circuit topology).
Qiskit now support building parametrized quantum circuits, see
The advantage of parametrized circuits is that Qiskit only needs to compile it once, and then can re-use the same parametrized circuit for different parameter values. This can lead to a significant speedup when working with variational quantum circuits.
Once XanaduAI/PennyLane#221 is implemented in core PennyLane, the plugin will be able to access the dictionary mapping parameters to operations. The Qiskit plugin will then be able to construct a parametrized circuit, and simply reuse this circuit for different parameter values (until the QNode requests a different circuit topology).