PennyLaneAI / pennylane

PennyLane is a cross-platform Python library for quantum computing, quantum machine learning, and quantum chemistry. Train a quantum computer the same way as a neural network.
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Add `argnums` kwarg to `qml.metric_tensor` #1880

Closed dwierichs closed 1 year ago

dwierichs commented 2 years ago

Feature details

Adding argnums to transforms allows us to compute quantities in the forward pass while in an autodiff framework. Similar to qml.grad or qml.classical_jacobian, it should be added to qml.metric_tensor as well.


No response

How important would you say this feature is?

2: Somewhat important. Needed this quarter.

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dwierichs commented 1 year ago

Updated information

The argnum keyword argument is used in several transforms throughout PennyLane, such as

  1. the gradient transforms including qml.gradients.param_shift in pennylane/gradients/ and qml.gradients.finite_diff in pennylane/gradients/
  2. the classical Jacobian qml.transforms.classical_jacobian.

Note: In this issue, the metric_tensor function that needs modification is a batch_transform, which has a similar behaviour as gradient_transforms. Therefore, it will be sufficient and consistent to consider tape arguments only when implementing argnum. This is elaborated in detail below.

Note: An implementation with the new return type system is not necessary within the first implementation, it can be separated out to a second pull request.

Note: This issue can be further broken down into implementing argnum for the internal functions _metric_tensor_cov_matrix and _metric_tensor_hadamard separately.

Current implementation of argnum can be slightly confusing.

It should be noted that the first transforms in the list above are gradient_transforms, which have the property to be coded for a function that modifies QuantumTapes and is automatically turned into a function that modifies QNodes via the gradient_transform decorator. Due to this automatic conversion, the argnum argument of these transforms refers to tape arguments, not to QNode arguments, even if the transform is applied to a QNode. An example:

dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2) 
x = np.array(0.4, requires_grad=True)
y = np.array(0.1, requires_grad=True)
def circuit(x, y):
    qml.RX(y, 0) 
    qml.RY(x, 1)
    return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0)), qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1)) 

This QNode returns two expectation values, the first depending on y and the second on x (this "twist" is intentional). Now if we compute the parameter-shift gradient with argnum=0, we get non-zero entries in the second part of the gradient, belonging to y:

>>> qml.gradients.param_shift(circuit, argnum=0)(x, y)
(tensor([0., 0.], requires_grad=True),
 tensor([-9.98334166e-02, -5.55111512e-17], requires_grad=True))

This is because with argnum=0 we refer to the first tape parameter in RX(y, 0), not to the first QNode parameter in circuit(x, y).

In this issue, the metric_tensor function that needs modification is a batch_transform, which has this same behaviour. Therefore, it will be sufficient and consistent to consider tape arguments only when implementing argnum.

frederikwilde commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I just sent a suggestion in this PR for an implementation of the argnum argument. Let me know what you think.