PennyLaneAI / pennylane

PennyLane is a cross-platform Python library for quantum computing, quantum machine learning, and quantum chemistry. Train a quantum computer the same way as a neural network.
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Add support for calculating the trace distance #4098

Closed trbromley closed 1 year ago

trbromley commented 1 year ago

Feature details

The trace distance is one measure of distance between two quantum states rho and sigma. This is a commonly-calculated quantity in quantum information science and will be useful to add to PennyLane. Specifically, we'd like to implement:


QNode-level interface:

qml.qinfo.trace_distance(qnode_1, qnode_2, wires0=[0], wires1=[2])

qml.math-level interface:

qml.math.trace_distance(rho, sigma, check_state=False, c_dtype='complex128')

How important would you say this feature is?

1: Not important. Would be nice to have.

Additional information

Check out the relative entropy functionality in PennyLane for an example of how this can be done.

tnemoz commented 1 year ago

Hi! I'd like to work on this as part of the UnitaryHack Hackathon. Should I ask for this issue to be assigned to me, or should I directly fork the repository and issue a PR ASAP? Thanks!

trbromley commented 1 year ago

Hi @tnemoz, welcome! You can go ahead and open a PR and we'll provide feedback once the PR is open. Once a PR is merged, the author is assigned to this issue, which let's the UnitaryHack team know that a bounty has been earned.

You can check out our development guide or just post here if you have any questions. Good luck!

tnemoz commented 1 year ago

Would it make sense to allow the user to indicate that both states are pure, if they're given as density matrices? Something along the lines of:

def trace_distance(rho, sigma, check_state=False, c_dtype='complex128', both_pure=False):
    # Check states

    if rho.shape == (rho.shape[0], ) and sigma.shape == (sigma.shape[0], ):
        # Compute for pure states as statevectors
        return res

    elif both_pure:
        return ...

    trace_distance = ...
    return trace_distance

The rationale behind this is that computing the trace distance for Statevectors is way faster, and for pure states given as density matrices, it's still faster than the general case. This could thus save non-negligible computation resources. What do you think about it? WOuld that make sense?

eddddddy commented 1 year ago

Hi @tnemoz, we actually want to move away from having the qml.math functions accept both a state vector and a density matrix. This is due to complications in the dispatch logic when we consider a batch dimension. A rework of this is currently in progress.

For this issue, it suffices to provide an implementation of qml.math.trace_distance that accepts only density matrices, contrary to what @trbromley wrote in the original issue. If the demand comes later (and if it's convenient), it might be possible to implement another more efficient function, e.g. qml.math.trace_distance_pure, that accepts only state vectors. This is not needed here.

tnemoz commented 1 year ago

Hi @tnemoz, we actually want to move away from having the qml.math functions accept both a state vector and a density matrix. This is due to complications in the dispatch logic when we consider a batch dimension. A rework of this is currently in progress.

For this issue, it suffices to provide an implementation of qml.math.trace_distance that accepts only density matrices, contrary to what @trbromley wrote in the original issue. If the demand comes later (and if it's convenient), it might be possible to implement another more efficient function, e.g. qml.math.trace_distance_pure, that accepts only state vectors. This is not needed here.

So if I understand correctly, the function will be given either:

Is that correct? I mostly infered these from the new _check_density_matrix function, but I could be wrong about the way the function will be used

eddddddy commented 1 year ago

Yep, everything you say is correct.

trbromley commented 1 year ago

Thanks @tnemoz, congrats on winning the bounty!! :100: :tada:

tnemoz commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much!

trbromley commented 1 year ago

Hi @tnemoz!

As part of our 0.31 release, we're planning to promote UnitaryHack contributions to PennyLane on social media. This is completely optional, but would you like to be mentioned in our social media posts? Specifically, we'd need either your Twitter profile, your LinkedIn profile, or your name.

tnemoz commented 1 year ago

Hi @trbromley!

Sure why not! My Twitter is @TNemoz and my LinkedIn profile can be found here. I'm fine with both if that's possible, but would probably prefer Twitter if I had to choose one.

Thanks for the opportunity!