Pensano-dev / aura-mobile-app

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Pj/chore/match fe be facilities #50

Closed pablisch closed 4 months ago

pablisch commented 4 months ago

Apologies. Got carried away and way off task on this one.

Matched the FE facility list to database data but this caused other problems such as pushing the submit button off the page.

I moved the header out of the form into the screen component and used flex to position the button as setting the margin would not work for a range of devices.

I then somehow forgot what I was doing and started to look into the Android reset icon issue and ended up setting up a global styles variable object which Ju suggested and was agreed on Friday and this seemed an appropriate use for it.

Setting a background colour and setting the same for the icon solved the problem. They are now linked by the global style variable for maintainability.

pablisch commented 4 months ago

The icons do not match the names at all but that is fine until the icons are ready. Now having eight icons raises interesting layout issues to be decided on.

Decisions also need to be made for the naming of facilities in terms of what we use in the database vs display. Short, single-word names would be ideal in the database and for processing while 'wheelchair accessible' does not display nicely. Also consider capitalisation if we are going to attempt to use common names for display and database.